
Xiaomi Jimmy JV53 review, the wireless electric broom for home polishing

Xiaomi Jimmy JV53 review, the wireless electric broom for home polishing

Our editorial team has already tried several but Xiaomi Jimmy JV53 is the first electric broom put to the test by this reporter, who instead has much more experience with automatic vacuum cleaners behind him.

This solution does not replace the latter but rather is complementary to them as it allows you to reach all those corners that a robot vacuum cleaner would not be able to sweep.

Not only that: thanks to the various accessories supplied, it not only helps to clean the floor but also removes all the dust that accumulates on furniture, curtains and sofas, thanks to a special anti-mite brush.

The total absence of threads is its strong point and at the same time its greatest weakness: we will talk more about this and much more in the following lines.

How it is made

Let's start by saying that aesthetically it does not differ much from Dyson vacuum cleaners and from all the others that imitate some more and some less technology and design. The construction appears solid enough: the parts are constructed mainly of polycarbonate and firmly embedded together.

The main component is quite light despite incorporating a 425W motor inside. The shape of the “pistol” handle makes it sufficiently manageable and the quick opening of the tank facilitates the discharge of the dirt collected during cleaning.

We really liked the ability to quickly access this section by disassembling the entire structure and separating the various filters, including the metal grid that holds the biggest dirt and the rubber cone that directs the vacuum cleaner. Just missing a brush to clean the various parts, which in any case can be rinsed under running water and then left to dry in the sun (the manual clarifies which ones can only be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth).

Bozza automatica

In fact, inside we find:

  • The handle we were talking about earlier
  • The removable battery to power it
  • The floor brush
  • A smaller anti-mite for mattresses and sofas
  • A small brush to vacuum corners and curtains
  • A smaller brush to reach the most remote corners
  • A brush with very soft bristles to dust furniture without scratching it
  • A tubular section to distance the motor from the connected brush
  • A support to hang the vacuum cleaner on the wall (with screws and plugs included)
  • The battery charger
  • User manual in Italian
  • The quality of the various parts is really high. The bristles used by the various brushes are soft and well built. We really liked the roller of the floor brush because it uses a very soft fabric that retains even the finest dust and at the same time caresses the surface without scratching it, thus making it effective even on parquet.

    The two larger brushes (this one for floors and the other for mattresses) can also be partially disassembled to allow you to wash the rollers and remove any residual hair stuck in the joints.

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    The two smaller ones (in the white photos) are instead accompanied by an intelligent system that allows you to release the bristles to benefit from a tip capable of slipping into even the tightest corners, thus also increasing the amount of dirt sucked in.

    In this sense, the button marked with the I / II symbol positioned on the back of the handle is also particularly useful, which allows you to greatly increase the suction power at the expense of a considerable increase in noise.

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    The whole system is particularly intuitive: there is no need to browse the manual to understand how to assemble and disassemble the various parts as the various buttons are often red and are particularly visible while other symbols printed on the external body of the various parts make the necessary movements understandable. to hook and unhook some of the removable parts, such as the tank or the bristles of the smaller brushes.

    How are you doing

    The first thing to do is to recharge the battery because this vacuum cleaner will be delivered to your home almost completely empty. Full charging takes four to five hours and can be done either by disconnecting the battery or leaving it connected to the handle.

    In this way you can decide whether to create a corner of the house where you can hang the vacuum cleaner with the support near an electrical outlet or unhook the battery and recharge it from the desk or in one of those spaces that we have already created in the house for recharging the various devices.

    When the LED indicator changes from the red light, which indicates the correct connection of the plug and the start of battery charging, to the green light, the vacuum cleaner is fully charged and ready to be used.

    Bozza automatica

    As we said, there are five different brushes and a tubular section to distance them from the handle, so the first thing to do is to combine the various parts according to what you are going to clean. When everything is ready, all you have to do is squeeze the front trigger to start the engine.

    This reporter owns a robotic vacuum cleaner with house mapping that starts automatically every day. Alongside this, for some time now, a corded vacuum cleaner for about 30 euros purchased in the shop does its dirty job but has only one, very big defect: the wire.

    Bozza automatica

    Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 eliminates this huge bottleneck and we only realize it when you try it for the first time. Although we use a five-meter extension cord, the time savings with a cordless vacuum cleaner are especially noticeable in this context, as you will no longer have to unplug and plug back in every time you change rooms.

    The second major benefit lies in the manageability that the long cable to drag does not offer. Not only that, because we will not have parts that can get caught and thorns that could bend, making the various movements of the vacuum cleaner much easier.

    Bozza automatica

    This Xiaomi vacuum cleaner works really well, cleans and sucks with precision with a single pass and has allowed us to also eliminate the use of the Swiffer cloth: the brush with ultra-soft bristles (in the photo it is the one with the dark gray handle) in fact, it allows the dust to be moved on furniture and shelves while the large suction nozzle does the rest.

    It also allowed us to do something we had never done before: vacuuming the sofa and mattress. The dedicated brush is in fact designed to remove all the dust that over time gets under the upholstery and eliminates – the manufacturer promises – almost completely the mites present. We do not have a laboratory or the technical skills to use it and tell you if it really works but if you trust your nose we can then tell you that the same area of ​​the sofa, after vacuuming, smelled fresh, almost as if it had just been washed.

    Bozza automatica

    To read so far it could be said that with Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 everything is beautiful but in reality he too has his Achilles heel: autonomy.

    Stopwatch in hand, used only at standard power a full battery charge lasts between 30 and 45 minutes depending on the type of brush used (the one for the floor and the other for the upholstery need a little more energy to power the rotor that makes the roller move) but if you press the button to use it at maximum power Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 becomes a real vampire, unable to exceed 7-8 minutes with a full charge.

    Bozza automatica

    This can be seen as an advantage or a disadvantage based on the type of cleaning you have to do and the time you have available, especially since fully charging the battery takes more than four hours to complete.

    According to our tests, the standard power is enough and more to clean even rather dirty floors. We deactivated the robot vacuum cleaner for a few days to get a clearer picture and, with a dog in the house that naturally sheds hair, we still managed to completely sweep the approximately one hundred square meters of the floor in half an hour or so, remaining therefore safely in the range guaranteed by the battery autonomy.

    Bozza automatica

    However, it is necessary to get out of your head that after such a cleaning you can immediately use Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 to dust the furniture or freshen the sofa, because as we said there would still be only a few minutes of autonomy.

    In our opinion, the maximum power should not be used for the floor because there would be no great benefits, while it makes all the difference in the world if you want to clean a carpet (with the floor brush) or vacuum the sofa and mattress (with the dedicated brush) . In this case, however, it will be necessary to be quick and precise, because with 100% energy you have a few minutes to complete the operation.

    Being removable, a second battery could undoubtedly solve this problem especially if you are the type who decide to clean the house properly in just one moment of the day.

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    But if you organize yourself, you can also divide the operation into several phases by dedicating yourself individually to the various parts of the house (one charge for the floor, another for the furniture, yet another for the mattress, etc.). Clearly, everything also depends on the size of the house.

    Too bad also because if you connect the wire to recharge the battery it is not possible to turn on the vacuum cleaner. In emergency cases, also considering the power supply cable a bit short, we could have relied on an extension cable and renounced the benefit of wireless to complete the house cleaning (once we happened to run out of energy. when there was just one last little room to do).


    Our heart already cries at the thought of having to return the Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 and return to the old corded vacuum cleaner because after trying it you realize how much the absence of wires and the multitude of accessories supplied really make a difference in house cleaning.

    Because even in the presence of an automatic vacuum cleaner in the house, an electric broom of this type is very convenient both for finishing and for quick cleaning of small areas (a classic example is the collection of crumbs after a er shaking the tablecloth) or to eliminate forever the use of the Swiffer cloth.

    In short, it is a complementary accessory that should never be missing at home.

    Bozza automatica


  • Zero wires
  • Effective even at minimum power
  • Lots of brushes to clean everywhere
  • Tank easy to empty
  • Removable components (and many of them also washable) for easy maintenance
  • Light enough and easy to handle
  • Cons

  • Little autonomy at maximum power
  • Long waiting times for full recharge
  • If it is charging, it cannot be used
  • The charging cable is a tad too short
  • Salty price of the additional battery
  • Retail price

    Xiaomi Jimmi JV53 is on sale on GeekMall at the price of 180 euros but you can pay only 163 euros using the discount code JIMMY53NET .

    Evaluate the purchase of a second battery based on what is written in this article at 72.99 euros.

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