
AirSnap Review, elegant and protective accessory for your AirPods

AirSnap Review, elegant and protective accessory for your AirPods

Home Reviews ,,,,, The AirPods are such a widespread accessory that they have generated, in turn, the race for accessories that could enrich and improve them: supports, wireless charging shell (waiting for the one branded by Apple), hooks and cases. The AirSnap belongs to this last category, an interesting small lining, cut to size to protect and carry the Apple earphones and produced by the always excellent in TwelveSouth

AirSnap what it is, how it is made

The AirSnap is simply a case made of leather inside which fits the… case of the AirPods. The name of the company that makes it is not printed on it (on the back there is only the name: AirSnap) but those who know TwelveSouth will not struggle to recognize style and materials. The American company is known for knowing how to juggle with intelligence and even irony (think of the BookBook covers) in the field of accessories for Apple products and also in the AirSnap we find their characteristic fingerprint.

The lining is made of leather very similar to that of the BookBook covers for iPhones. The color (Cognac tint) of the model that was delivered to us for the test is very pleasant and the material used is of excellent quality and at first sight also very robust; the seams are almost perfect, as is its shape. There are also some well-studied functional details; an example is in the rear notches with slots that allow the upper flap to be opened without difficulty.

1 of 3 Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods Airsnap is available in three colors. You can see them in these photos Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods

The AirSnap also has a small painted metal carabiner to hang it on a belt loop or on the buttonhole of a bag. Here, too, the material is of first quality and the pressure that must be exerted to open the carabiner is the right one. We used it for a few days right at the belt loop by hooking and unfastening the case very simply.

Finally, it should also be noted that the AirSnap has a notch on the bottom, useful for recharging the AirPods without removing them from their protection. In practice, you will no longer have to remove them from the cover except to pair them with a new phone.

The only constructive detail that we feel we do not totally approve is the painting of the button that holds the flap closed. The solution adopted is approximate and it is enough to handle the AirSnaps for a few days to see scratches appear that reveal the silver color of the metal.

AirSnap, impressions of use

On first use, the AirPods struggle a little to get into the AirSnap. The accessory is in fact very precise in its measurements and the inside is not slippery at all. This is an advantage because thanks to this it is less likely that the earphones will come out of their place.

Once inserted inside the AirSnap, the AirPods remain perfectly usable as if the case was not there. The flap, which initially seems a bit uncomfortable, becomes easily maneuverable thanks also to the fact that, as mentioned, Twelve South has perfectly chosen the measures.

1 of 6 Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods The box of Airsnap Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods Here is the small pouch inside the box Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods We insert the AirPods in the Airsnap Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods On the back the name of the accessory Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods The hook it's good quality Recensione AirSnap, accessorio elegante e protettivo per le vostre AirPods AirSnap hanging on our belt

The protection offered to the case is excellent. Those who, like the writer, have been using the AirPods for some time know that their shell is not particularly prone to scratches, but it certainly gets dirty very easily; thanks to the AirSnap this risk will be very reduced.

Another aspect to underline is that thanks to AirSnap the AirPods become easier to find because the volume of the object increases; in addition, the material is also less slippery and therefore are perceived more easily to the touch. However, this means that if you decide to keep the AirPods in your pocket together with the AirSnap, you will have to do the math with a higher volume.

In reality, as the carabiner demonstrates, the AirSnap is not made to be put in a pocket, but to always be at hand out of a pocket, although we are a little doubtful that it is advisable, as seen in the marketing photos, to hang AirSnap to a bag or backpack. The hook does not open easily by itself, but it certainly opens easily if someone decides to open it. Much better, as mentioned, to put the AirSnap on the belt or, better, inside a bag, hanging from the loops that are often found inside and which are used to hang keys or a USB stick.

In conclusion

The AirSnaps are a great product that in their simplicity perform a valuable function, protect the AirPods, and do it in the best possible way. They are made of high quality leather, well finished , even in the seams; The design with the multifunctional carabiner and a recharge notch that limits the need to remove the earphone case from the leather lining is also of excellent level. There are only a couple of questionable details: the painting of the button and the opening of the carabiner , proof of accidental release but not of “handjob” of the carabiner.

Price and availability

The AirSnaps can be bought on Amazon Italy at a cost of about 37 euros including shipping, or in the Twelve South shop for $ 30 (plus shipping and taxes)


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