
Nifty MiniDrive
Add memory to the MacBook through the SD slot

Nifty MiniDrive  Add memory to the MacBook through the SD slot

Home Cyber Layman Mac Accessories ,,,, It is shorter than an SD,

We have already talked to you in the past about the Nifty MiniDrive, a particular accessory for MacBook that allows you to take full advantage of the SD slot to expand the memory of your laptop . Let's face it: how many of you are constantly using the SD slot of your old MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air? Unless you have a particular need to constantly download SLR photographs or transfer files to SD memories daily, the slot used for these cards remains most of the time unused and you can use an external USB reader in an emergency.

Increase MacBook memory

Disk space is never too much, especially on laptops with solid state drives where, although this generation of disks is much quieter, faster, safer and more reliable than traditional hard disks, in relation to the storage space the price is much higher.

Considerably increase the memory of the MacBook it is possible until 2016 by completely replacing the SSD with a larger one , perhaps to buy on offer on Amazon: even if on Cyber Layman you will find an ultra-exhaustive guide , however, this operation is not within everyone's reach, since for those who want to be on the safe side without relying on do-it-yourself the computer being serviced.

The much faster, completely customizable and partly cheaper solution resides in the Nifty MiniDrive which is essentially nothing more than a microSD reader that fits in the SD slot of the MacBook, blending perfectly into the unibody body that distinguishes Apple computers. The maximum capacity is 200GB and is compatible with UHS1 or lower type SSD cards such as this Sandisk Ultra currently sold for around 70 Euros.

Recensione Nifty MiniDrive

Aesthetically it consists of a plastic body, with an external aluminum edge of the same color of the MacBook which to the touch releases the same sensation as touching the unibody case of the MacBook. Like any SD card, it slips into the slot used but, unlike the latter, it does not protrude externally: this is very important because it allows you to use the MacBook on the move, being able to easily insert it into a custom-made bag or carry it without running the risk of breaking it. .

The Nifty thus becomes an integral part of the computer and allows the expansion of the MacBook memory without requiring assistance to replace the HDD / SSD.

Recensione Nifty MiniDrive MacBook Pro 13 “and 15” version Recensione Nifty MiniDrive Pro package contents MacBook Pro and 15 “retina version Package contents del Pro and retina MacBook Air 13 “version Contents of the Air package

The microSD included in the package can be replaced with any other larger microSD: for example, with 24.99 euros on Amazon we find a 64 G microSD B Class 10 Samsung, or with a slightly higher expense (39.40 euros) we can double the space with Samsung's 128 GB. Arriving at 70 Euros we can turn to the maximum capacity available with this accessory with a 200 GB Sandisk Ultra.

With Nifty we will have a lot of additional space to use to store a copy of our most important files , put in an increasingly heavy photo library or we can use it for the Time Machine backup , the latter a great convenience because if we accidentally delete a file while on the move, the disk from which to recover the files it will already be there ready for our service. In any case, we advise you to always choose microSD at least class 6, in order to guarantee adequate performance without excessive slowdowns during use.

The Nifty Recensione Nifty MiniDrive Nifty with micro SD removed Fund of the Nifty It is shorter than a SD It has an aluminum edge, like that of MacBooks Here is the SD slot of the MacBook Pro We insert the Nifty into the SD slot of the MacBook Pro This is how it looks aesthetically once inserted And on the MacBook Air The hook for removal slips into the slot provided Just pull slightly outwards to remove it In the absence of the hook, you can change an attachment for removing the Nifty If folded correctly, it slips easily into the slot provided And even here, just pull slightly outwards The Mac recognizes it easily

Another option not to be underestimated is the possibility of using the Nifty as an emergency disk : the Mac can also boot from the SD slot, then installing the operating system on the microSD we will be able to access the internal disk in case of serious problems.

Finally we can use it to test the latest versions of the beta of macOS X to experience compatibility with software and hardware.

In case you want to remove the Nifty from the MacBook, just use the special hook included in the package that allows you to extract it very easily: in case you lose it, you can easily use a common attaches by folding it perhaps with pliers in order to obtain a sort of hook.

Recensione Nifty MiniDrive

Update 2018

Nifty has further simplified the use of its adapters: now it is no longer necessary to use a dedicated tool to extract the adapter as it has a protrusion that promises a good grip directly with the fingers (you need to have a bit long nails or use a thin tip ).

For the rest the features and compatibility are those described in the review.

Recensione Nifty MiniDrive, aggiunge memoria al MacBook attraverso lo slot SD Recensione Nifty MiniDrive, aggiunge memoria al MacBook attraverso lo slot SD


Having had the opportunity to try all three versions for MacBook Pro, Retina and Air there are no differences: both in our eyes by placing them all close together, and in our MacBook by trying the various versions between the different laptops, we can say that there is no difference. In any case, it is an intelligent way to exploit the SD slot of your MacBook where in many situations it is almost never used.


Compatible with all microSD cards and all MacBooks with SD slot Expand the memory of Mac laptops up to 200 GB more in a practical and fast way It hosts microSD cards of different capacities, which can be purchased separately and can be used for Backup, different operating systems or to host bulky files and libraries.


None to detect – New versions do not require any dedicated removal tools.

Retail price

Nifty MiniDrive is available on Amazon for 32 Euros also in Prime mode depending on the model.


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