
Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth review for Mac and PC, accuracy at the right price

Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth review for Mac and PC, accuracy at the right price

Home MacProf 3D, CAD and Design ,,,,,With the new Intuos S Wacom is trying to reshuffle the cards on the table in the graphics tablet market in particular, but also in pointing devices in general: because if once there was a fairly clear distinction between professional and consumer models, this new generation of Intuos questions scale and even if the difference remains, it's clear the market is changing.

On the one hand the affordable cost, on the other features purely professional up to a few years ago, in an intriguing design setting: the writer has been using graphic tablets for about ten years but this model was a pleasant surprise, from all points of view. .

Recensione Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth, precisione al giusto prezzo Front and back of the tablet, here in pistachio green color

  • 1 Review
  • 1.1 Packaging and first installation
  • 1.2 The Intuos S tablet
  • 1.3 Connection
  • 1.4 Use
  • 1.5 Supplied software
  • 1.6 Considerations
  • Review

    Packaging and first installation

    The packaging of the new Intuos S is really beautiful: and although we are well aware that in practice it is of very little use, it is important to underline that Wacom follows all the details very carefully, even the minor ones.

    The box is very large, considering the size of the tablet, but inside we also find the pen, the USB-A / Micro USB cable and a small instruction manual, which those who have already used a graphics tablet may very well ignore.

    Installation is very simple, basically it involves activating a free account on the Wacom site, downloading the support drivers and, optionally, downloading some free software from those available.

    Everything is done in a maximum of ten minutes, with a phase of customization of the commands that can be done at the moment or during the processing phase if necessary: ​​for those with multiple computers, it is also possible to export a backup of the sets and import it into the second processor, or take advantage of the cloud included in the account for a more convenient (and automatic) transition.

    wacom intuos s bluetooth 001 wacom intuos s bluetooth 002 wacom intuos s bluetooth 003

    The Intuos S tablet

    The new Intuos (which differ from the Pro model, attention) are offered in two sizes, S and M (and in three versions, with or without Bluetooth). The first (subject of this test) is characterized by a shape of 152 x 95 mm and a weight of 230 / s50 g depending on the model while in the largest, M, the dimensions reach 216 x 135 mm with a weight of 410 g .

    For all of them a resolution of 2540 lpi and a sensitivity of 4096 Pressure levels, a share that until very recently was the prerogative of the Pro models, whose cost belonged to another market segment.

    The pen is a Wacom Pen 4K model, with two buttons and 11 grams of weight, black color (pity, in the bag some more lively colors help) with three tips available.

    The color of the tablet is Black in the upper part, with the sensitive part indicated by a network of small regular dots, while in the lower part the colors available are Black or Pistachio Green (there is also a raspberry color, as far as we can understand. not available in Italy).

    The shape is rectangular, slightly raised at the top, with a thickness of only 8 millimeters, something more than an iPhone to say.

    In the upper part there are four or five programmable buttons (depending on the model), while in the extremely upper part there is a small fabric ring that is convenient both for positioning the pen when not in use as a guide to understand the correct position of the tablet when we take it out of the bag.

    wacom intuos s bluetooth 005 wacom intuos s bluetooth 006 wacom intuos s bluetooth 007 wacom intuos s bluetooth 008 wacom intuos s bluetooth 009 The thickness of the tablet compared to an iPhone, really a few millimeters of difference wacom intuos s bluetooth 010 The tablet connected to a MacBook Pro 13: here via USB, because for this model you need a Bluetooth chip present only in the latest Macs wacom intuos s bluetooth 011 the keyboard, which also houses the pen when waiting wacom intuos s bluetooth 012 wacom intuos s bluetooth 013 The tablet fits comfortably in the bag, the S model is smaller than an iPad


    There are three models available: one with only a USB connection and two others that also have a Bluetooth 4.2 connection which, we remind you, requires a recent computer. For Macs, for example, you need a latest generation MacBook or MacBook Pro (no MacBook Air) or a 2017 or later iMac.

    Instead, all using a USB-A / MicroUSB cable, very common and convenient: the one supplied has the hook socket on the left, perfect because it does not get in the way of the desk during use.

    wacom intuos s bluetooth 017 The Driver installation window, which here warns that there is an update


    The use is very good, and even if the surface of the S model is quite small, this is evident only in the management of many elements, such as in a complex design in Illustrator, while in Photoshop the problem of size is perceived less , although obviously the ergonomics issue is completely personal.

    The 4096 pressure levels offer a very nice accuracy but above all a beautiful feeling of naturalness of the stroke: the difference between this model and the Pro is still perceptible (especially because in the Intuos Pro the pressure levels are double) but the optics become more nuanced there is also because you are really approaching a threshold that hardly becomes palpable.

    The use of the keys at the top is positive, even if for many it will mean using two hands, but the activation of the command is very good.

    Even the customization via software is excellent, at least in the Mac part (the test was performed on a 2015 iMac 5K), since it is possible to locate the launch of Applications, scripts, functions and also correctly manage the number of screens, it always works more fundamental for those who do graphics.

    wacom intuos s bluetooth 021 The pen supplied with the tablet, in plastic

    Software kit

    There are three Apps available for download (two in the USB version), with free perpetual licenses: Corel Painter Essentials 6 is the limited version of the famous digital painting software, which has become a bit of a standard in the environment due to the care with which manages brush strokes and fidelity in the reproduction of surfaces and inks.

    After Shot 3 (here the official page) is instead a photo editing software, with particular attention to RAW images but we especially liked Clip Studio Paint Pro (here the official page), suitable for professional cartoon drawing and coloring, whose interface is very little Mac but whose potential is indisputable.

    Recensione Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth, precisione al giusto prezzo The download page of the supplied software, within your Wacom account

    Note that in the case of the Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth and Wacom Intuos S the cost of the software in their commercial version alone equals the cost of the tablet.

    It goes without saying that the tablets are compatible with most of the software on the market, especially the professional ones, where for example both Photoshop and Illustrator offer particular options in the panels that are activated only if they recognize an active pen.

    MacOS also correctly recognized the Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth by immediately showing the Ink panel in the System Preferences for handwriting recognition, but in our tests it still has some way to be trusted.

    wacom intuos s bluetooth 016 the Ink panel within the System Preferences for using the Pen also in the operating system: the panel activates only when it feels a pen


    As we said at the beginning, until recently this category of tablets was considered consumer and viewed with a sufficient look by professional users, accustomed to the quality of the Pro range (to which, we admit, it is difficult to break away).

    This new generation, however, offers a really important care, technology and software support (drivers, but also App) and even if it will certainly not erode the market of its older sisters, it is certainly able to capture those users who still “do not trust” tablets, as well as offering a valid alternative for those who use it in the office and want one at home.

    If you've never had a Wacom, this Intuos S model (the smallest, most comfortable in your bag and when you're out and about) could be a particularly appreciated gift, to do or to be done, to get into the perspective of a tablet, appreciating it softness and precision with a definitely affordable price.

    Some choices seem courageous, like the Bluetooth 4.2 perhaps too young, others too little, like the MicroUSB instead of the USB-C, but otherwise we are facing a really interesting model, probably the best in the price / performance ratio of everything. the Wacom catalog with a build quality that today clearly stands out from the competition.

    Wacom is a brand distributed in Italy by Attiva, and readers can find it in all Apple Premium Resellers in the peninsula, as well as in the best home appliance and computer stores, but the Intuos S are also available online.


    • Incredible accuracy for the price range • Intriguing look • Interesting included software


    • The Bluetooth chip is only for new Macs


    204.94 Euros (Wacom Intuos M Bluetooth, Black and Green), 102.42 Euros (Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth, Black and Green) and 81.91 Euros (Wacom Intuos S, Black)


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