
Wix Review, the simple and professional platform for creating desktop and mobile sites

Wix Review, the simple and professional platform for creating desktop and mobile sites

Home Reviews ,,,,, Creating a website, until a few years ago required professional technical skills, having to resort to complex strings of code. Thanks to Wix, however, times have completely changed, so that anyone can try their hand at creating their own site, with an absolutely professional appearance and content, in a few clicks and in no time, even for free.

Ease of use

Signing into Wix is ​​super easy. Just go to the official page and enter your credentials, even via Facebook or Google. The second step is the choice of the theme to use. And it is already from these pages that Wix proves to be a versatile tool, being able to satisfy any claim. The thematic categories to choose from are many and cover any area: from photography to online stores, to templates for music sites, dedicated to catering, and many others.

A great variety of themes

For each theme, graphics and page layouts change. Thus, a blog will present the most classic timeline of the articles in the foreground, while an online shop will highlight the catalog of products on sale. Moreover, after choosing your template, the user can completely customize the texts and graphic elements on the page, so as to make it unique and fully suited to their needs. And this is where Wix works the magic, because it allows you to change any element without having to get lost in strings of code.

Single clicks on the various elements of the page are enough to edit photos, logos and banners. Similarly, a click on any text field will allow you to modify its contents. It is so simple to modify any element of the page, that the initial tutorial that welcomes the user to its page is even superfluous.

Anyone, and we emphasize anyone, will be able to create a site, starting from practically zero skills in this area. Particularly useful, for example, can be the creation of your own online shop. In this case, the page will highlight, among the numerous graphics available, the products for sale. Editing the catalog will be absolutely simple and by clicking on each item it will be possible to insert product for sale, explanatory image, description and price.

Wix, however, offers numerous images to customize the background of the pages, the logo and the main banner. Of course it will also be possible to upload your own images from different sources: not only those on your hard drive, but also those stored on your cloud account. Moreover, the site setup menus are fully translated into Italian, which is why it will become even easier to understand what is being changed and what the change will be. In short, creating a site with Wix is ​​absolutely intuitive, and it will not be necessary to watch any tutorial to fully exploit all the features made available by the platform.

In the era of mobile navigation …

In the age of smartphone and tablet browsing, Wix allows you to create sites that are optimized for mobile devices. The beauty is that it does everything completely automatically. For each template chosen, Wix will create two different versions of the site: the same theme will then be optimized for viewing on smartphones, tablets, but also on desktop. Among the peculiarities that make the creation of a site absolutely simple, also the possibility of being able to immediately view the previews of the sites created, both in the desktop version and in the mobile version. This will allow the user to immediately see how the site will appear to third parties who decide to browse our pages.

The interface that Wix offers to view the previews, as well as those for the creation of the site, are absolutely minimal and modern and focus attention on the pages that are being created. The platform thus appears as an absolutely complete and profound tool for creating your own website, never complex, because every element is just a click away.


After having created your website, maximum importance must be given to SEO, which will allow it to be visible within the Google search and to make the site as traceable as possible to users who surf the web. Also in this case Wix meets the user who is creating the site, providing a guided system to refine some elements, which allow good positioning in search engines.

It will be easy to provide the keywords, the page's SEO title, the SEO description, and generally optimize the homepage content. Also in this case, therefore, complex operations will not be necessary to be, and stand out, within the Google results.


Wix allows you to create your own website absolutely free, but also offers subscriptions to get Premium features. It starts from just over 4 euros per month, to reach 24.50 euros per month. The image below summarizes all the packages available: there are so many and they satisfy practically every need.


We tried Wix in the field, and we did it without any knowledge on the subject. In a few moments we were able to log in, to choose the theme and structure of the site, and to give a face to our pages. We did not use any tutorials, because the options available to us, so many, have always been just a click away. The wide range of Premium packages available allows you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Ultimately with Wix you will no longer have to ask yourself how to create a website but you can do it with great effectiveness and ease.


  • Extreme Ease of Use
  • Wide range of possible customizations
  • Lots of themes
  • variety of premium packages

  • The 4 euro monthly pack includes advertising banners
  • ,,

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