
Choetech wireless charger review, good quality, excellent price

Choetech wireless charger review, good quality, excellent price

Home Reviews ,,,, CHOETECH V-T520,

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Over the last few weeks, with the arrival of wireless charging support from the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, the chargers capable of supplying energy and restoring the autonomy of mobile phones without resorting to the cable have made a leap forward in the interest of the Apple world. Although these accessories are still far from being able to supply energy at the same speed as a Lightning cable, especially if connected to a Type-C port, they are in fact comfortable and very functional products for those who are not in a hurry, or for those who simply want a second charging point without buying a second cable.

Among the products that are reported on Amazon for the diffusion already had in the Android world, where wireless charging is a reality to a long time, both for the cheap price there are those of Choetech. The Chinese company has numerous solutions that are located in different price ranges. We tested three of the best sellers to see how they fare with our iPhone X.

The cheapest of all is Choetech T511-000

. It is a “plate” battery charger that is characterized by a square shape and a shaped element in gray rubber in the upper part. The design and the material should, explains Choetech, hold steady the devices which, like the iPhone X or even the iPhone 8, have a glass back; but it also works to indicate where the exact center of the charger is, so it will be easier to place the device in the right place for charging. The Choetech T511-000 has a maximum output power of 5W, less than half what on paper the iPhone could accept with a cable and even less than the maximum 7.5W that the iPhone would be capable of in wireless charging. The very cheap cost is 13.99 euros

ChoetechT511-000 Choetech T511-000

In the mid-range Choetech CHOE-T517W , very different from the T511-000 model. The shape is different, round, the plastics (semitransparent) and also the design, not particularly attractive in our opinion. It lacks the “viewfinder” that characterizes the entry level above and is also fairly smaller and lighter, so much so that we would not hesitate to define it as truly pocket-sized. The power is also higher, nominally providing up to 7.5W. The cost is only slightly higher than the previous model, € 14.99


The “top” model among those we tested, there is the Choetech V-T520 , which is still different from the previous two. It is in fact a real stand that supports the phone in a vertical or horizontal position and at the same time recharges it. The shape has a decidedly more refined and studied design, with squared corners. The materials are also obviously of superior quality: the opaque plastic is pleasant to the touch and is also very stable. Finally, the declared power is 10W, higher than the maximum possible for the iPhone with iOS 11.2 which is, in fact, 7.5W. The still very interesting price is 19.99 euros

ChoetechV-T520 Choetech V-T520

Choetech wireless charger, the review

When compared how do they compare to each other? We do not struggle to say that after a few days of testing, our advice is to put your hand to your wallet and spend the few euros more than the cost of the Choetech V-T520. Not only is it an aesthetically superior product, well finished (to report the two shades of the LED, green and blue in charging), powerful (iPhone recharges without problems even with the Apple silicone case) and practically perfect in measurements if it is thought to be used with iPhone X, but it is also more comfortable to use.

The shape favors its use as a support to watch movies while the phone is charging. We tested it in this perspective and we must say that the battery during playback has not lost its charge (even if it has not increased …) plus the charger is able to operate even with the iPhone X horizontally, thanks to the two coils. The ability to supply energy without paying too much attention to the position is also excellent; in fact, to see the charge signal go off, you have to put the iPhone in a position that is unnatural. Finally, the charging speed with the phone in sleep and without the case is in fact completely comparable, perhaps slightly higher, to that of a standard 5W charger (less than three hours for an iPhone X), which is not very common for this type of accessories.

In our test we really appreciated all these details, so much so that we made it our favorite charger. We use it at night, a combination with a normal USB charger, placed on the bedside table next to the bed. Once placed under the sheets, we put the iPhone to rest and during the night it recharges entirely, regardless of the battery level. The LED flashes discreetly and without causing too much trouble.

Benefits – Works as standard – Fast charging speed – Excellent materials – Very competitive price in relation to the functions

Defects – None

CHOETECH V-T520 On the back some inspection screws The very original profile The Blue LED Seen from above with iPhone X is perfect in terms of size In profile, iPhone with case is just as perfect Recharging also takes place horizontally The green LED

The mid-range model is in some respects interesting. We have already said about the dimensions, which are the greatest advantage. In practical terms, the Choetech CHOE-T517W is tiny and you can put it anywhere both when charging and when it is at rest. The shape makes it very stable and easy to use, just place the phone and the charging starts without major problems and position adjustments. There is also some small refinement: for example, a brightness sensor lowers the power of the LED if the environment is dark, such as at night so as not to annoy the eye. Regarding the charging speed we did not find substantial differences compared to the Choetech V-T520 model, so the performance is the same as a normal charger, but the ergonomics are totally different. It is not possible, for example, to have the iPhone in a position that can be used while charging, unlike the higher-end model and the quality of the plastics does not appear at the top, as well as the design that seemed a bit to us.

Benefits – Small and light – Good charging speed – Ambient light sensor

Defects – Erogonomically not perfect – Cheap materials

CHOE-T517W CHOE-T517W is in the center The power specifications In this photo you can see well the size of the charger Nice effect of the LED

The model Choetech T511-000 is in our opinion the least interesting of the three products we tested. In the first place it seemed to us very slow in charging. It takes over five hours to fully restore the iPhone battery; this would not be a problem if the purpose was to recharge the phone when it is completely inactive, such as at night, but if you intend to use the platform to give a little more inspiration during the day, you will run the risk of spending an hour to have 15/20% more battery. In addition, the central part of the platform with the embossed design makes the iPhone unstable; in practice, the telephone, which has few points of support on a plastic material that does not have a great grip, can rotate on itself at the slightest touch. Finally, the phone must be placed with some precision, otherwise the charging does not take place. However, if we are looking for a wireless charger at the lowest price, here the cost is only 13.99 euros, the cost of a good quality Lightning cable. However, take into account that by spending only one euro more, you buy the Choetech CHOE-T517W which is smaller and faster in charging and more stable and ultimately a better choice in the relationship between price and quality

Benefits – Very cheap

Defects – Slow charging – The supported phone is unstable – Charging occurs only if the smartphone is well centered

CHOETECH T511-000 seen from above CHOETECH T511-000, the specifications CHOETECH T511-000 seen from above, the charging led The charging plate with rubber “shock absorbers” The iPhone being charged The charging LED


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