
Vtin Royaler review, Bluetooth speaker with power to sell

Vtin Royaler review, Bluetooth speaker with power to sell

Home Reviews ,,,,,Vtin Relaxer is the latest addition to the editorial office: a Bluetooth speaker with a simple and linear design, small enough not to clutter too much on a coffee table but capable of filling even a living room with its power.

It incorporates two 10W drivers, a battery that ensures an entire evening of musical accompaniment and is built with high quality materials, making it not only resistant over time but also beautiful to look at.

Vtin Royaler

As did

The speaker has the shape of a parallelepiped with strongly rounded upper corners. It is 20cm long and 6cm high and 6cm deep. It is mainly composed of a brushed aluminum frame with gold-colored paint that is close to that of the older generation iPhones and iPads: the structure is 2 millimeters thick, and this also affects the overall weight of the case, which measures 794 grams on our scale. for the kitchen.

The front side, as well as the rear one, are made of plastic, apparently of good quality: dark gray in color, they are perforated and protect the two drivers and the passive radiator on the back. On this side, along one edge, there are the microUSB input for recharging the internal battery and the AUX socket for connecting an audio source via cable, while on the upper edge there are two long and thin keys that can be pressed at the ends to turn the speaker on / off, control music playback and adjust the volume.

Below the front side, along the upper edge, there is a small blue LED that will be noticed only when the speaker is turned on, remaining completely hidden if the speaker is not used. The stability of the speaker (when placed on a flat surface) is finally guaranteed by the two large rubber feet embedded in the bottom.

Vtin Royaler Vtin Royaler Vtin Royaler

How is it going

First, the power is remarkable. At maximum volume, the speaker can easily fill a medium-sized room, making it the ideal companion even for background music at parties in the living room or behind the counter of a shop.

The reproduction of high frequencies is excellent, as well as the mids of the numerous tracks of our usual playlist that we use for the tests of audio products tested in the editorial office are highly filling. Low frequencies are even more present, especially in songs where they play a leading role, such as in Bass Can You Ear Me or Brass Monkey.

Excellent reproduction of sung songs, such as Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, where the choirs and the voice of the late Freddy Mercury almost seem to come out of the box and completely envelop us: from this point of view, the subdivision of the audio tracks reproduced only by the left speaker is also excellent. with those programmed to be heard only by the right speaker. The movements from one side to the other, also thanks to the elongated shape of the case, are well perceived, with the result that to enjoy these effects you will no longer have to rely only on headphones or a dedicated stereo system, but you will be able to appreciate even with a speaker like the Vtin Relaxer under test.

Vtin Royaler

Conclusions and retail price

Recommended? Ni. From the materials to the audio reproduction, the quality is excellent. Even from the standpoint of autonomy it is difficult to ask for more: it easily exceeds 6 hours of consecutive playback at maximum volume. The only thing that can turn your nose upside down is the price: the case is sold on Amazon for 51.99 euros, and it's worth it all if we look at the product alone, while they may seem like a lot if you look for a comparison with cases of the same size. / audio power, especially if you are willing to give up design and more precious materials for a speaker perhaps made of plastic but still equally excellent from the point of view of audio quality: in this sense, today there are really many alternatives.


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