
Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 review, Propel makes the dark side fly

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 review, Propel makes the dark side fly

Home Hi-Tech Drones and UAVs ,,,,, The drone fashion born several years ago tries to evolve, taking different directions from aerial photography, trying to transform small quadcopters into advanced video games, able to combine real and virtual fun. If to this “video game 2.0.” the Star Wars signature is added, for fans of the series, but even more simply than drones, it's done: click the purchase, even if only to collect them. Here is our test of Star Wars Tie Advanced X1, the drone to “taste”, right from the opening of the package.

La confezione di Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 box

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 review

Never as this time does the sales pack have its importance. Propel has really thought of everything to give collectors a truly unique piece of its kind, which can attract attention right from the opening of the package. Beyond the hardcover, “sealed” with the Tie Advanced logo, which already allows you to embellish any desk or collectible display case, unboxing is all to be listened to and looked at. In fact, when the top cover is opened, the drone's launch platform will come to life, literally turning on, thanks to a bright beam of white light LEDs, also matching the different sound backgrounds of the well-known series.

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 fuori dalla scatola Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 out of the box

In short, the sales pack increases the goodness of the drone, which becomes a collector's item for all those who have made the Star Wars universe their own point of reference over the years. If you have a small “altar” dedicated to the series at home, this is an unmissable piece.

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 fuori dalla scatola

Beyond the “collectible” value of the product, Propel drones fly seriously. Not only that, they provide the user with a videogame experience that mixes reality with the virtual world. Before even understanding why, here's how the drone is made. Lightweight, indeed very light, it really weighs a few grams, and has a size of less than 6 centimeters. Unlike many other quadcopters of the genre, the Tie Advaced X1 mounts the small propellers on the “belly”, then on the bottom, a system that allows the drone to keep the shapes as faithful as possible to the counterpart of the film, and to ensure a speed higher than the average, which according to the manufacturer's characteristics ensures over 50 Km / h.

It is powered by a battery pack (there are two inside the package), which can fly the small drone for 6-8 minutes of flight, depending on the weather conditions. Naturally, an indoor flight, therefore in complete absence of wind, will push the drone towards 8 minutes, while outdoors the figure is closer to 6 minutes.

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 visto da vicino Star Wars Tie Advanced X1 up close

Propel's Star wars drone has multiple uses. The first, as already mentioned, combines virtual and real. By starting the app on your smartphone, performing the simple operations requested on the screen, the drone, remote control and smartphone will be combined. In this way, a virtual reproduction of the aircraft will move on the screen on the smartphone, while the drone will take flight in reality. In this way the user will have to complete the numerous missions indicated on the screen, moving the drone in specific spaces, within certain time limits. In short, a video game, which also moves in reality.

Star Wars Tie Advanced X1, un dettaglio dei perni delle eliche Star Wars Tie Advanced X1, a detail of the propeller pins

The other flight mode is the traditional one. In this case, you can abandon the smartphone, combining the drone with the remote control only. There are so many features offered by the controller, which emanates sounds and sound effects taken from the film. To do this, a powerful speaker is placed on the back, as well as a 3.5 mm headphone jack input, in case you want to completely estrange yourself from reality, perceiving the sounds in the headphones, so as to also create an isolating effect.

Il controller The controller

Beyond the possibility of piloting the drone as if it were a common quadcopter, the Propel Tie Advanced X1 can also perform stunts in mid-air, simply by pressing the back buttons on the remote control. These acrobatic actions may be an end in themselves, but act as a subversive maneuver when in combat mode. Indeed, this is the option that makes Propel drones unique.

Un altro dettaglio del controller del drone Another detail of the drone controller

The drone, in fact, incorporates infrared combat transmitters and receivers. The pilot will be able to use only one weapon at a time, activating it with the back buttons, thus being able to alternate infrared or auxiliary weapons. The dorsal weapon button activates infrared LEDs or auxiliary weapons, depending on the weapons equipped; if the auxiliary weapons are activated, the infrared transmitter and receiver LEDs will be deactivated. If the infrared transmitter LEDs are activated, the laser receivers will be deactivated.

Un altro dettaglio del controller del drone

When using a weapon, a sound will be played from the controller speaker, or headphones if connected. Obviously, this mode makes sense when there are multiple players, each with their own combat drone. The infrared transmitters on the front of the drone will send out a signal, while the infrared receivers positioned below the drone will record the shot. The IR combat is relatively simple, because it sends a signal that can be perceived by the receiver of the affected drone.

Le manopole del controller del drone The drone controller knobs

When the drone is hit by the enemy, it will react and its flight will be altered. During this phase, the drone cannot be hit again. After taking the first hit, the drone will continue on its current trajectory, but will swing back and forth twice, in one smooth motion. Again, the controller will vibrate for 3 seconds and a peculiar sound effect will come out of the speaker. During this time, the 3 front LEDs will flash and the drone will not react if it is hit again. At the end of the maneuver, only 2 LEDs will remain lit and the player who hit the drone will receive a hit notification on the controller.

Il logo del controller

On the second hit immediately, as well as on the first hit, the movement of the drone will be altered more aggressively. On the third hit right away, the drone will go into auto landing mode and swing down. This will decree the end of the battle.

Propel Star Wars drones are primarily aimed at an audience of fans, colors who have grown up on bread, water and Star Wars. They are still fun, in combat mode, even for those who have never seen a movie in the saga. In this case, however, it will be necessary to have at least two drones to battle.

The Propel drones of the Star wars series can also be found on Amazon, directly at this address.


  • Lightweight e stable in flight
  • Pack for true collectors
  • Combat Mode
  • Possibility of virtual flight with the app
  • Two batteries included

  • Inconvenient remote control battery system
  • Significant price for the product category
  • ,,

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