
Winnergear Hero review, the true wireless earphones for sportsmen

Winnergear Hero review, the true wireless earphones for sportsmen

Home Reviews ,,,,, With Winnergear Hero you will not regret any of your Bluetooth headphones used in the gym, on the contrary: you will wonder why you have not bought them before. Or at least this was our impression after having removed them from the ears following an intense run on the treadmill, appreciating the high stability of the earphones in the ears and the total absence of cables.

In fact, these are true wireless earphones that, like AirPods, are not connected to each other by any cable, but with a huge advantage from the point of view of stability due to the system of double rubber flaps, which practically glues the headphones to the ears. We tried them for a few weeks, also falling in love with the excellent soundproofing: at the time of writing we are wearing them once again with Enya's Orinoco Flow playing at 70% of the volume and we cannot perceive even the slightest click of ours noisy keyboard.

recensione winnergear hero

How they are made

The earphones are made of seemingly sturdy satin plastic. They are very light and each is accompanied by a large rubber lug that wraps around a large part of the earphone case and has a small protrusion on the underside, increasing so much the adherence of the headset when inserted inside the ear cavity.

The ear tips are of the in-ear type and adapt well to anyone's ear thanks to the replacement ones included in the package. Externally, each has a button dedicated to switching on and managing the various functions, while the left earpiece (L) has a small opening for the microphone.

Single earphone Measurements: 2.8 x 1.5 cm Weight: 6 grams

recensione winnergear hero

Also included in the package is a cylindrical case: the lower half is made of brushed aluminum while the lid is made of satin plastic. In addition to allowing us to store them when they are not in use thus avoiding the risk of losing them, it can also recharge the battery of the earphones by extending their autonomy. There is a practical button on the back that allows you to activate the recharge if necessary, thus letting us decide when to use it only as a case or when to start recharging the headphones.

Case Measurements: 5 x 4.4 cm Weight: 50 grams

recensione winnergear hero

Bluetooth pairing

To connect them to a smartphone it is necessary to press and hold the power button of the left headset (L) for more than three seconds, until the LED indicator begins to flash alternately red and blue. At that point you will have to activate Bluetooth on your smartphone and search for and select HERO HEARBUDS from the list of found devices. Then just turn on the right earphone (R), which will automatically connect to the left (L). Nothing simpler.

To turn off the headphones simply turn off one of the two: the other will turn off automatically.


To start / stop music playback and skip to the next song, simply press the power button on one of the two earphones respectively once or twice, while to switch to the previous song it is necessary to triple click on the left earphone (L).

To answer an incoming phone call it is instead necessary to manage everything with the left earpiece (L), the only one with the microphone (keep this in mind if you want to use only one to manage phone calls only. One click answers an incoming call or hangs up one in progress, a long click rejects the incoming call.

Unfortunately there is no way to adjust the volume or interact with Siri : for both operations must refer to the smartphone connected via Bluetooth.


A single charge of the earphones (they fully charge in about an hour and a half) promises up to 3 hours of continuous music playback, while the case can guarantee up to four full charges of each earphone, for a total of 12 hours of additional battery life. .

recensione winnergear hero

How are they doing

These headphones surprised us first of all for their high stability . The earphones remain practically glued to the ears even if we try to shake our head violently or if we make jumps and sprints in a hurry. Stability is excellent, even better than several Bluetooth headphones connecting the two earbuds via wire.

Here it is precisely its absence that makes the bulkiness minimal by eliminating unnecessary weight and impediments dictated by a cable that runs behind the neck. As we wrote previously, it is certainly also thanks to the wide rubber cover that increases the surface adherent to the ear, in addition the double flap offers a really effective locking (in the package there are three sets of fins of different sizes between S, M and L).

Audio quality

The second point in favor goes to the audio quality . These earphones have nothing to envy to any of the sports headphones currently on the market and perhaps not even to headphones dedicated to listening to music that are around the same price range. Here, in fact, we almost feel like we are not paying for true wireless technology, so excellent is the reproduction of the entire sound spectrum.

They are in fact clear at the highest frequencies and pump a lot at the bass, with full-bodied and enveloping mid frequencies. This quality is not perceived if you listen to music around 30% of the volume, while it becomes evident when you bring the level to around 60-70%: we have not been able to go further, at least in the house, they are so powerful and optimally soundproofed .

Having found the right combination of in-ear rubber and fin for each earphone, the noise of the keys of the keyboard on which we are typing at this moment is already weak even with the music completely turned off, while all sound disappears completely as soon as we start playing a any song. It almost feels like you're dealing with active noise canceling technology, although there is actually no such thing.


It is difficult to ask for more from a pair of earphones that are designed for listening to music during sports activities, therefore without the pretense of replacing the headphones of audiophiles or those looking only for a valid companion to listen to music while there. relax on the sofa.

The earbuds are small, light, stable and deliver excellent audio quality, especially in the low frequencies, precisely because they aim to ensure bass that pump and energize during workouts.

There is no key to adjust the volume from the headphones and there is no possibility to interact with Siri: although it is possible to use the left earpiece to answer an incoming phone call on the fly, there are no dedicated functions to be able to call back the last number or talk to the voice assistant to route a new call, so those looking for a pair of true wireless headsets for these functions must necessarily look elsewhere.

But if the goal is to train in the gym and completely eliminate the clutter of cables and ensure soundproofing capable of completely alienating the user from external noise, these earphones could really be the right choice.

Retail price

Winnergear Hero are on sale on the official website for $ 149.99. At the time of writing they are also on sale on Amazon for 79.99 euros.


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