
August EP750B, the ANC Bluetooth headphones with music sharing

August EP750B, the ANC Bluetooth headphones with music sharing

Home iPhonia iPhone Accessories ,,,,, A few decades ago it seemed like a real revolution the jack adapter capable of splitting the audio output of the CD player to allow you to share the listening of the same disc with the bus tour companion, each with their own headphones tucked into their ears. The August EP750B headphones we tested recently take up this concept and adapt it to today's evolution, which eliminated any cable connection in favor of Bluetooth technology.

How they are made

They are supra-aural headphones, which therefore rest on the ears with two rather large pavilions (the hole measures 2.7 x 5cm, each measuring 6.5 x 8.5 cm overall). Both these and the inner surface of the headband are abundantly padded with really soft leather-like foam. The same cover also wraps around the outer second half of the headband, giving it a premium look. Much of the structure is in plastic, the internal core of the headband – adjustable – is in metal while the external cover is in smooth metal and pleasant to the touch.

The headphones can be folded to take up less space in the bag. They can be stored inside the highly appreciated semi-rigid case included in the package, with a pocket large enough to hold cables and small accessories that you want to carry along with the headphones, such as a small MP3 player for example.

August EP750B August EP750B August EP750B August EP750B

Music sharing

As anticipated, the peculiarity of these headphones lies in the music sharing function: basically they can be connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth to listen to the music of the phone. If necessary, however, it is possible to listen to the same songs to a friend who sits close to us simply by connecting the August EP750B to any other Bluetooth headset via a 3.5mm jack-jack cable (in the package), provided that the latter are equipped with this input. .

The physical connection is still there, but only in a cable that connects one headphone to the other: there is no longer any need for an adapter to split the jack output.

August EP750B

Active Noise Canceling Technology (ANC)

These headphones incorporate ANC technology, which stands for Active Noise Canceling. That is, they can reduce background noise such as the buzz of a group of people conversing in an adjacent room or the constant noise of an airplane's engines. Precisely for the latter we also find an adapter for the aircraft headphone socket, thus avoiding the small outlay for those who plan to buy them in view of a future trip at high altitude.

The system works discreetly: we tried to turn on the TV keeping it at a medium-low volume and then comparing the listening to our playlist with the ANC technology active and not. The noise reduction is there and becomes practically total when the volume of the music in the headphones is quite high.

We enjoyed trying the system even more with no music playing. We opened the window of our room which responds in a rather busy area of ​​the city and we activated the ANC function switch: a good part of the noise disappears completely, others seem much more “distant”. The same clicking of the keys as we write these lines is almost imperceptible.

August EP750B

How are they doing

These headphones sound pretty good even though the overall quality seemed slightly below average to us, especially when compared to headphones in the same price range. Here the increase is probably due to the ANC technology and the music sharing function, since the audio reproduction is rather around headphones that do not cost more than 50 euros.

It is very good, of course, the bass is powerful and well present, but overall the audio stream seemed slightly muffled compared to the original. The volume is excellent, it is difficult to bear listening to the maximum allowed, and the autonomy is about 12 hours, enough to cover a flight in an airplane.


Those who decide to buy the August EP750B headphones do so mainly to have the two main functions that distinguish them from the crowd: if instead you are not interested in active noise cancellation and the possibility of sharing listening to a music playlist or dialogues of a film but focuses solely on audio quality, then it is better to go elsewhere, saving half for a product of the same level or investing the same amount for a higher level headphone.

Price to the public

August EP750B headphones cost € 119.95.


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