
Chipolo Plus review, the little flea finder

Chipolo Plus review, the little flea finder

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Chipolo Plus is a small colored plastic coin, whose purpose is basically to remind us where our things are, or rather those we have associated with, physically, just the Chipolo. A wallet, a Mac, an iPad, a bicycle, a keychain, a bag or whatever: the dimensions of the Chipolo Plus are so small that it practically fits anywhere there is a pocket, a slot, or, with the help of a little scotch, even inside unusual objects (such as the saddle of a bicycle for example).

We had already talked about it a few years ago, but recently Hinnovation has launched a new version that brings interesting changes that are worth a recall.

Chipolo Plus, the colorful localization

Available in Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Midnight Blue, Tangerine Red versions (at least in the Italian market, for the international market there are other colors) it is a plastic coin with the size of 37 millimeters in diameter by 6 in height, with a weight of just 9 grams. Basically slightly larger than a 2 Euro coin, but lighter.

Compared to the first model, Chipolo Plus has changed some parameters that make it special and not a simple evolution: slightly larger and with the screen printing of the brand, has as its main novelty a different use of the battery.

With the normal model it was in fact necessary to replace it every 6 months, while with the new model the internal battery cannot be replaced and after 12 months it is necessary to buy back another Chipolo, and indicate to the App the replacement. In practical terms we are faced with the doubling of the duration, but also a higher cost, although as we will see the purchase formula is particular.

Another important novelty is the fact that Chipolo Plus is resistant to water, which means that we can use it with more peace of mind outside and also in conditions where it is exposed to the elements.

For the rest the App remains the same, even if it has been revised and modernized to the latest versions of the operating system (the App for Chipolo required iOS 6 or Android 4.3, now we are talking about iOS 8.0 and Android 4.4).

However, all measurements can also be carried out from a Mac via Browser, but for the association you need the App for mobile.

Ritrovamento sociale

The main functions of the Chipolo are essentially two: to allow the App to find the device when it is within a narrow range of meters (the same as the Bluetooth 4 signal, technology on which based, therefore, about ten meters) through sound alerts, albeit a little low in volume, or with indications on the map on the current position or on the last sighting.

Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus Chipolo Plus

In particular, Chipolo Plus has an interesting social attitude: in practice every App acts as a scanner for all the Chipoli lost and shared in the world, sending the owner data on the last survey in a completely transparent way.

In short, if we steal our bicycle a Milan, another Chipolo Plus user could reveal it in Monza a month later and inform the owner with details about the latest sighting, so that he can try to recover it, despite being in another area.

This mode effectively breaks down the wall of Bluetooth 4's limited range, waiting for the new Bl chips to be released uetooth 5

Obviously Chipolo Plus also works in reverse: with a double click on the single button in the center we can make the phone ring, even if silent, or (when the App is in camera mode) use it to take a selfie.

Small is better

This new incarnation of the Chipolo seemed to us more interesting than the first: the battery lasts longer and the fact of being water resistant clears some uses previously only feasible with excessive attention. The sound volume is still a bit low, but the social activities on the discovery (the more useful the more widespread this accessory will be) bodes well.

We close the review on a positive note also on the formula purchase: at the end of the year of use, directly from within the App, you can buy a new Chipolo or suggest it to a friend, who can buy it and in doing so give you one for free (in addition to the fact that more Chipolo Plus runs , the better the network for recoveries).

Chipolo Plus is distributed in Italy by Hinnovation, but is also available online in the Charcoal Black, Pearl Bianco, Midnight Blue, Tangerine Rosso versions

Pro :

  • Small and comfortable, fits everywhere
  • Versatile, works both ways
  • Against:

  • The acoustic volume is a little bass
  • The battery it is disposable (but there are interesting promotions)
  • Price : 24.99 Euro


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