
Anker LED flashlights, up to 1300 lumens to venture into the dark of the night

Anker LED flashlights, up to 1300 lumens to venture into the dark of the night

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A few months ago we approached Anker's solutions in the world of LED flashlights with LC40, among the best when it comes to solidity and compactness, perfect to keep in your pocket or in the bag to take it out when needed. In Anker's catalog, however, there are two other larger, more powerful torches with some additional functions, ideal when there is the specific intent of exploring landscapes at night or venturing into the mountains in the darkest hours.

In recent weeks we have thus decided to complete the series of tests by also trying the new LC90 and LC130, similar in appearance but profoundly different in usability, power and performance with the same environment.

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How are they the same

Dimensions aside, the package is the same for both: in addition to the flashlight, Anker provides a wrist strap, the microUSB cable for charging and the rechargeable battery to be inserted inside.

Aesthetically they are practically identical. The body is completely made of aluminum, the workmanship is excellent and the finishes are specially designed to ensure excellent grip. Compared to the handle, the head of the flashlight is larger for both: the transition from one to the other occurs gradually, in any case, thus ensuring a comfortable grip at any point of the flashlight, whether it is held only in the handle or if it is prefers to squeeze it halfway between the head and the handle, ideal position when lifting the flashlight above your head.

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The torch is managed through a single button , placed at the base of the handle and entirely covered with a rubber layer with relief texture. The end part of the handle unscrews to reveal the microUSB socket which guarantees the recharging of the internal battery. Compared to the smaller LC40, it is not necessary to rely on an external charger: it is possible to simply connect the flashlight with the appropriate cable to the USB socket of the computer or any power supply to restore the battery energy. This is one of the strengths of the two flashlights as in addition to reducing the size of the accessories, it is also possible to recharge them through a power bank, perhaps one of those with 20,000+ mAh that have become indispensable when venturing for several hours away from a power outlet.

torce led anker torce led anker

During the battery recharging, indicated by the red color of the LED (which turns green when recharging is complete), it is necessary to keep in mind that in this condition the flashlight, although it is waterproof , it could be damaged in a very humid environment. Part of the impermeability is in fact guaranteed by the gasket recessed at the end of the thread in the handle, which also keeps dust and liquids away.

torce led anker

After unscrewing the handle, it is also possible to remove a second cap , the one where the microUSB socket is recessed, to access the compartment that houses the rechargeable battery.

torce led anker

As for the use, both offer three different continuous light intensities (maximum, medium and low) and two further modes ( strobe with rapid flashing and SOS in morse code) for special signals in case of need . The transition takes place progressively from one to the other by turning the flashlight on and off by pressing the button completely within two seconds between one press and the next. In fact, the flashlights memorize the last lighting mode used: if more than two seconds elapse between one switching on / off and the other of the flashlight, the system translates this click as a complete switch off of the flashlight and will turn it back on with the last mode used. .

Anker LC90, excellent in the power / pocket ratio

Anker LC90 is the smaller of the two. It holds very well in the hand and is not too heavy (230 grams), being able to easily fit even in a coat pocket (it is almost 16 centimeters long, the diameter of the head is 4 centimeters).

900 lumens declared. The head of the flashlight can be moved away from the handle by about one centimeter: it is a zoom mode which basically allows you to concentrate the light cone emitted by the single LED in a smaller portion of space, thus being able to illuminate subjects at greater distances.

torce led anker

Anker LC130, the giant of the torches for adventurers

Anker LC130 is bigger, specifically it measures almost 18 centimeters, the diameter of the head is 6 centimeters and weighs a total of 390 grams. Despite this, the handle remains very comfortable and comfortable, but when carrying it we must also consider that we will hardly be able to keep it comfortably in the trouser pocket: the best solution is to store it in a backpack or leave it dangling on the belt of the trousers.

It houses a type 26650 battery of 5,000 mAh which offers up to 8 hours of lighting at maximum power, of well 1,300 lumens guaranteed by three LEDs. There is no zoom mode here which, however, as shown in the following tests, you do not feel the need at all.

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Illumination test

As one would expect, the two torches ensure different performances. However the difference is felt much more in the long distance than in the lighting of the space in front of the user. We did some tests using both of them at maximum power, noting that despite the difference in lumens, the level of illumination of one or the other is almost the same when the space in front of you is illuminated, both in terms of visible portion ( an area of ​​about 40 × 40 meters), both in the degree of visibility itself. From this point of view, LC130 is better only from the point of view of color, offering more natural lighting: on the other hand, LC90 illuminates equally well albeit in a slightly colder shade.

By zooming with the LC90 it is possible to illuminate even a smaller portion of space (about 15 × 15 meters) at a much greater distance, around 100 meters. Here too, in terms of illumination, the differences did not seem perceptible to us. If with the LC90 we have to move the head to illuminate a larger portion in front of our feet and a narrow area at greater distances, the LC130 offers both in one fell swoop: in practice, orienting it in one direction we will enjoy excellent visibility at the same time. in front of us, both in a more distant area.

LC90 without zoom LC90 with zoom LC130 LC90 without zoom, towards some poles at 100m LC90 with zoom focused on some poles at 100m LC130 pointed towards the poles at 100m landscape without lit torches LC90, trees at 200m LC130, trees at 200m

This difference becomes more noticeable when lighting a specific subject rather, as in the case of the images where we direct it towards a pole placed about 100 meters away, rather than in an open field. LC130 illuminates a larger portion of space and with greater intensity. With a subject 200 meters away, the LC130's advantage over the LC90 is distinct. LC90 reaches these distances, but the illumination is dim, while with LC130 the visibility is much better.

In using both we noticed that after about 5 minutes of continuous illumination with LC130 , the head of the flashlight heats up slightly, while after more than 30 minutes the heat also spreads along the body, but never without exaggerating. In short, it is impossible to get burned, indeed: at this time of the year it could almost be considered a plus.

torce led anker


Including LC40, Anker's torches are among the best we've had the chance to try to date. Not only for the reliability of the brand, but also for the technology offered, including waterproofing. The choice is dictated solely by your needs: if with the LC40 you have a small and pocket torch, with the LC90 you are more oriented towards a torch to be put in your pocket only on specific occasions, whether it is a night walk with the dog on a leash or a night in a tent in the mountains.

LC130 is even more specific due to its lower portability. From our point of view it is ideal for those who walk for hours and hours and want to have a powerful and always on light, ensuring the best possible visibility and without having to manipulate with the zoom to shift the attention to a farther point, a characteristic in our fundamental opinion for example if you hear suspicious noises and you want to act promptly.

Price to the public

Anker's torches are both for sale on Amazon. LC90 costs 29.99 euros, LC130 is instead offered for 49.99 euros (temporarily discounted with the code T9HNWSJF which lowers it to 35 , 99 €)


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