
Why McDonald's, TikTok and other brands are using ugly logos on social media

Why McDonald's, TikTok and other brands are using ugly logos on social media

If you too have the opportunity to see logos online on the social networks of some companies that absolutely do not correspond to what you expected, know that there is a reason.

In fact, for a few days many very popular brands have been replacing their logo on their social media pages in favor of a clearly ugly version . Without compromise. Most of these logo changes took place on TikTok , but some companies, one out of all McDonald's , chose to carry this ” news “even outside the social network” of generation Z “and replace it elsewhere as well. For example on Facebook.

Although someone has commented critically on this choice, it was quite obvious that there was a reason behind this change of logo. And in this case the reason is a meme. Or even better, it's a Tiktoker, Emily Z, who decided to redesign the logos of the most famous companies because she just graduated in design.

This is obviously a comic gimmick, as all the redesigned logos are blatantly ugly and in some cases even wrong, like McDonald's, which has lost the n and the apostrophe.

We can therefore define this choice as a marketing gimmick seasoned with a lot of self-irony.

The choice to replace these logos elsewhere, as well as on TikTok where Emily Z is now very popular and companies are competing to have an ironic logo created, however, could have confused many people , who have never opened the short video social network.

However, we advise you to take a look at the videos, because they are very nice and can surely make at least a smile. At the end of the article you will also find a gallery of images of companies that have replaced their logo and also a TikTok of the newly renamed Amason that “applies” the new logo to its entire chain.

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