
Fiber for everyone: the new mapping of white areas in Italy starts

Fiber for everyone: the new mapping of white areas in Italy starts

One of the main objectives of the Italian government with the “ Italy at 1 Giga ” plan is to cover the entire national territory with optical fiber , ensuring data transfer speeds suitable for all current communication technologies. In this context, interesting news has arrived from Infratel Italia .

The company was in fact appointed by the Interministerial Committee for the Digital Transition (CiTD) to start a new mapping of the white areas throughout the national territory. By white areas we mean those areas which remained outside from the public intervention entrusted, in 2016, to the concessionaire Open Fiber and which, at the same time, are not have not yet been reached, nor will they be in the next 5 years, by private investments suitable to guarantee a download connection speed of at least 300 Mbps in the peak hour of the traffic.

According to the “Italy a 1 Giga” plan these areas will be the subject of a public intervention aimed at guaranteeing the speed of at least 1 Gbps in download and 200 Mbps upload .

The mapping to be carried out by Infratel Italia will be conducted number by number .

The mapping will take place through consultation of the various telephone operators , on a platform that will be active from 13 October 2021 to 15 November 2021 , the last day on which it will be possible send notices.

Source: Infratel Italia
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