
Google Serach will notify you when search results are rapidly changing

Google Serach will notify you when search results are rapidly changing

In a context such as that of web research, offer its users timely results , relevant and reliable is always the main goal. It often happens to discover new news on social networks or through a conversation with friends, and the first action we take to deepen the subject is to do a search through a internet search engine . In this regard, Google is working hard to give you as much information as possible about developing problems .

Sometimes, especially for the latest news , the reliable information we are looking for is not yet online or if there is it is not the most reliable because it is the first . To help users, Google has trained its systems to detect when a topic is rapidly evolving and a number of sources have not yet commented on it. . When this occurs, a warning will be shown indicating that it may be better to come back later when more information is available from a wider range of sources.

Through these features, Google's goal is to provide a more complete context to search results, so that information can be more consciously evaluated. found online. These new notices are currently only spreading to the United States , but will be expanded in the coming months to other countries as well.

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