
5 Linux command compilations to become an expert

5 Linux command compilations to become an expert

Linux has been handled like Windows or macOS for years. That is, with the mouse or trackpad by clicking on menus, windows and icons . But one of the peculiarities of this operating system has always been the possibility of using Linux commands or Linux Terminal commands to save any problem, speed up tasks or simply do things at your own pace. manner.

But to use the many Linux Terminal commands you need to memorize them. If not all, yes the ones that you are going to use the most. To do this, the internet is full of cheat sheets, tables and sheets that summarize and compile the main Linux commands. You can have that information on hand for when you need it and learn only the main ones.

Here are five examples of command compilations for Linux so that you can start with the Terminal or remember commands learned in the past and already forgotten. So you can deal with day-to-day tasks in Linux in a faster way.

Linux Command Cheat Sheet

In Guru99 you will find dozens of tutorials related to programming languages, Linux, etc. There are also tutorials on the Web, artificial intelligence, Excel, Photoshop … A bit of everything.

And, of course, it collects Linux commands on the Linux Command Cheat Sheet page. There you will find seven different categories. First, the most basic Linux Terminal commands you should know on the first day . From there, file permissions , networks, processes and even editing with the VI app.

The list is as concise as possible. Indicates the Linux command and next to it a short description . You can start from the first list and, if you need to know more, read the rest for more advanced tasks.

Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet

If you are looking for compilations of commands, shortcuts or tricks, Cheatography offers tables to memorize them. The one dedicated to Linux, Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet , offers a good selection in the form of keyboard shortcuts and Linux commands that covers basic tasks like dealing with folders and files, searching for files, permissions of files, process management …

In addition to consulting it in its online version, you can download it in PDF format in order to print it and have it in view. It also offers a black and white PDF version and another in LaTeX in case you want edit it to your liking .

Another peculiarity of this collection of commands for the Linux Terminal and generic keyboard shortcuts is that it includes links where certain commands are explained in a more exhaustive way.

The ultimate Linux commands cheat sheet

The people in charge of the specialized portal FOSS Linux have created a list of lists. A very extensive collection of Linux commands for all levels and users. Its name is The ultimate Linux commands cheat sheet and it covers many fronts.

You will find commonly used Linux Terminal commands. Others to get Linux information, commands to deal with file permissions , networks, file and folder management, install packages , search for something on your computer, sending files, disk usage …

The command selection for Linux is impressive. Also, they are intended to work on most versions of Linux. In total, more than 1,000 different commands.

Linux Commands Cheat Sheet from Linux Training Academy

The specialized portal Linux Training Academy has the selection Linux Commands Cheat Sheet , which collects more than 1,000 Linux Terminal commands. It is available online and in PDF mode for free download.

System information, file permissions, package installation , SSH, file transfers, searches, disk usage … With a brief description and the command in question, this selection is very complete.

It also explains how file permissions work in Linux and other practicalities without getting lost in theory. Brief, practical and for use every day.

Linux Commands Cheat Sheet from Linux for Devices

We finish with another compilation practice. In this practice Linux Commands Cheat Sheet you will find commands related to files and directories, processes, networks, package management and system administration …

Similar to the previous lists or compilations, you will see the practical command with an explanation so that you can understand and use it instantly. And as indicated at the beginning and end of the article, if you want to know more about each command, you can go to the help man pages.

The man pages can be requested from the Terminal or consulted directly from this official documentation page of the Linux Kernel .

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