
7 tricks to extend the battery of your Samsung Galaxy (recommended by Samsung)

7 tricks to extend the battery of your Samsung Galaxy (recommended by Samsung)

The battery is usually the main complaint when your phone ages. It doesn't last as long as it used to. I have to connect it to the current every day. It turns me off without realizing it. It happens with iPhone, Xiaomi, OPPO or with Samsung Galaxy. Saving battery is not easy , since the technology currently used, lithium-ion batteries, does not give more than itself. Manufacturers like Samsung only have to put bigger batteries and that the software does not consume so much to extend the battery.

In addition, the manufacturers themselves and the creators of apps do not make it easy for batteries. Each new model adds new functions and features that require more intensive use of your phone's batteries. It's difficult for the battery to last several days when you're using it at full capacity to record or play video, take and post photos, or make video calls. Or to play online or communicate with your friends by Telegram, Instagram or WhatsApp .

It is no wonder that phone manufacturers give us some clues to extend the battery of the phone. We saw some advice from Google on this before. And recently, we offered you a selection of tricks to save battery life on the iPhone. Here's how to save battery life with your Samsung Galaxy .

Phone temperature

You may have noticed that the temperature of your Samsung Galaxy affects the battery of your Galaxy. The hotter it is, the less it will last. Samsung recommends using the phone at room temperature . That is, between 0 and 35ºC. But this is not always possible. In summer, it is hotter, so it is advisable to use your Samsung in the shade, that does not give it direct light.

Extreme temperatures, very cold or very hot, “complicate battery performance and can lead to unexpected shutdowns and shortened life.” So it is better not to leave the phone under the sun in summer or outside in winter. Samsung also recommends storing the Samsung Galaxy in “cool, non-humid environments” to maintain battery performance.

For the rest, if it heats up, it is because we are using it at full capacity . Playing video, playing graphically demanding games, recording video or taking photos… It may also get hot during an operating system update, but it is a one-off.

Full charge or? socks?

The eternal question. Some time ago I talked about some myths that survive about the use of batteries. Current batteries do not require you to charge them to the maximum. Charging it to the maximum is only recommended the first time you turn it on. Or if you have kept it without turning it on for a long time.

For day-to-day use, charge only what is necessary. Samsung also recommends charging your Samsung Galaxy up to 50-70% if you are going to store it for a long period of time. It also recommends charging the battery every 3-6 months if it is stored or unused .

More recommendations. Try not to use the phone while charging it. In that case, your device takes longer to charge to avoid overheating . Furthermore, “if multiple applications are running simultaneously or other devices are connected, which consume more energy than is being charged, the battery may run out.”

Maintenance Of the device

Tips and tricks that you have to activate and apply on Android. On your Samsung Galaxy, if you go to Settings> Device maintenance , you will get information about the Galaxy battery and you can perform a maintenance task. The task affects battery but also storage, memory and security. Just click on Optimize now .

Then you can activate the option Optimize settings that you will find in Battery> See more> Settings . Those optimized settings are brightness, screen timeout, and media volume. You can activate all three or deactivate the ones you don't want to implement.

Apps idle at rest

Background apps consume battery. One way to extend the battery of your Samsung Galaxy is by preventing certain apps from loading in the background. So let's activate this option. You will find it in Battery> See more> Settings> Inactive apps . You can add applications to that list manually.

On the other hand, if you click on Battery , within Device maintenance , and you go to Use by applications , you will see which apps consume the most battery. Is it worth having them installed? If so but you want to save battery, click on that app, one by one, and activate the function Put in idle mode . You should also activate the option Disable apps that are not used . You will find it in Battery> See more .

Power mode

As your Samsung Galaxy battery runs out, you can extend the battery a little longer if you can't charge it yet. To do this you must activate the Power mode . What it does is limit the use of WiFi and mobile data in background applications.

You can activate this battery saving mode from Settings> Battery . You will find a normal energy saving mode and a more drastic one, the ultra energy saving mode. Also make other changes manually on brightness, screen resolution, etc.

Unused functions and apps

From Settings> Battery> Battery use you can check the battery life, which applications consume the most and even which functions make the most of it. That way you can make decisions about functions or apps if you need to extend the battery at a specific time.

Although with this information you will not perform miracles, you will detect how you consume battery in your Samsung Galaxy. Knowing why, it will be easier for you to determine which apps to close when you need more battery if you cannot charge it in time.

Screen settings

Along with WiFi, Bluetooth and mobile data, the screen is one of the elements of your Samsung Galaxy that consumes the most battery. So if you want to extend the battery or save battery life, it will be very useful to change the screen settings .

Something as simple as reduce the waiting time of the screen when you are not looking at it. You can also press the power button to turn off the screen when you are not using the phone instead of letting it turn off by itself. And, of course, reduce the brightness when possible. One of Samsung's tips is this: “Extend battery life by using a dark theme or wallpaper.”

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