
Airbus devises isolation bubble for passengers with COVID-19 symptoms

Airbus devises isolation bubble for passengers with COVID-19 symptoms

The world is heading towards a 'new normal'. As restrictions loosen, borders begin to open and planes return to the skies. However, the coronavirus is still a risk . In this sense, Airbus has designed a quarantine section for passengers with COVID-19 symptoms in flight.

Although the use of face masks, temperature controls, SARS-CoV-2 tests and initiatives such as the COVID passport will be common requirements when traveling, there are still possibilities that a passenger will present symptoms . Applying the isolation protocols recommended by the CDC and the world aviation organization ITA would be difficult in such a small space.

To address this issue, Airbus has introduced its “Passenger Containment Area for Symptomatic Events”, also known as PaxCASE. It is a semi-transparent plastic “bubble” that allows isolating the passenger with COVID-19 symptoms inside the plane.

Airbus Cabin Manager Ingo Wuggetzer explained to CNN the PaxCASE can be easily and quickly mounted by the crew anywhere on the plane. In addition, it can function as a fixed isolation station established in a predetermined location. In both cases, surrounds a total of three seats .

The Airbus PaxCASE is for now just a concept

Photo by Lukas Souza on Unsplash This kind of tent is an Airbus concept for the 2021 Crystal Cabin awards. The airline has participated with its idea in the category “clean and safe air travel.

In general, the aforementioned awards have more categories, but this year, due to the negative impact that the health crisis had on the airlines, they have focused on safe and clean forms of travel . So not only Airbus will present their ideas, but also many other companies.

The PaxCASE could be well received by the contest judges. However, Wuggetzer acknowledges that airlines are not very interested in these types of insulation proposals . The winners will be announced in September this year at the Aircraft Interiors Expo.

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