
Alexa will soon be able to recommend Netflix series or movies

Alexa will soon be able to recommend Netflix series or movies

Alexa has just been updated to offer recommendations for a streaming video platform that, curiously, is direct competition from Amazon Prime Video. We are talking about Netflix , whose suggested contents will now be available to the aforementioned virtual assistant.

In early October, Netflix introduced the “Play Something” (“Play Something”) feature, which can randomize you based on your likes or previously enjoyed content. In other words, it is a way to avoid wasting time when you do not know what to see. Well, basically this proposal will now be integrated with Alexa.

Using the voice command “Alexa, play something on Netflix” , the assistant will establish a connection with the video service to take advantage of “Play Something”. It's the same thing you can do from a remote control, but now only using your voice.

Of course, there are some initial limitations. First of all, the novelty is only available, at the moment, in the United States and Canada . However, it is expected to land very soon in other regions of the world, including Spain and Latin America. On the other hand, it is necessary to have a Fire TV device connected to the TV —with a Netflix session started—, otherwise it will not work.

Alexa is the first assistant to get on the Netflix “Play Something” train

“We're excited to partner with Fire TV to bring Alexa voice technology to Netflix's Play Something feature. Now you can instantly discover a series or movie based on what you've seen before which we know you'll love, “said Magno Herran, Netflix's director of marketing partnerships (via The Verge).

It is worth mentioning that, so far, Alexa is the only virtual assistant that offers support for Netflix “Play Something”, as Google Assistant has not yet jumped on the train. Of course, it's curious that Alexa is joining forces with a rival video service from its parent company.

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