
All about the COVID Passport: what it is, how it works and how to order it

All about the COVID Passport: what it is, how it works and how to order it

After months of waiting and the occasional controversy, Spain has already begun testing the COVID passport, a certificate that will facilitate the free movement of citizens, in the countries that are part of the European Union .

The COVID Passport will come into force on July 1 and will speed up the controls of those users vaccinated with the complete schedule, with a negative PCR test or who have generated antibodies after passing the disease.

The COVID Passport can be carried on mobile devices using a QR code , although it will also be possible to request it in physical format. This code is generated automatically through a digital signature key managed by the health authorities. Passport information is stored in a database in Spain.

To obtain the certificate it will be necessary to fulfill any of these requirements .

Be vaccinated with the complete schedule . There are two doses in the case of the Pfizer, Moderna or Astrazeneca vaccines, or one dose with the Jensen vaccine. Have a negative PCR test 48 hours before traveling . In some countries, a negative COVID test result is also valid. Having generated antibodies after passing the disease. For this, a PCR test with a positive result of more than 11 days ago will be necessary. The COVID Passport will also include the full name of the applicant, their date of birth and the date of issuance of the document.

It is not a mandatory certificate , it will be possible to travel without it. However, some countries may require to submit a negative PCR or serve a quarantine in the accommodation.

How to apply for the COVID Passport

COVID Passport. This certificate can be requested through the website of the Ministry of Health – although it is not the most comfortable process. To do this, it is necessary to fill in a form accessible by logging in with an identification system, such as the digital certificate or Cl @ ve user. The application must be signed through Cl @ ve Firma or with the AutoSignature program.

Some Autonomous Communities also offer the issuance of the Covid Passport, both in digital and physical format. The process varies depending on the region. These are the CCAA in which you can request the certificate.

AndalusiaAragónCataloniaComunitat ValencianaCastile and LeónGaliciaExtremaduraNavarraBasque Country Ceuta The Ministry of Health confirms that the time of receipt of the vaccination certificate may vary depending on the request, since in some cases it is necessary to verify the information with additional documentation. Some Autonomous Communities, such as Catalonia, issue the certificate instantly through their health management portals.

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