
Amazon would enter the world of live audio, but focused on music

Amazon would enter the world of live audio, but focused on music

The world is experiencing a kind of “live audio revolution”. It seems that nobody wants to be left out of this phenomenon that is just taking its first steps. In this sense, Amazon could be the next protagonist of this story, although it would come up with an idea that would allow it to differentiate itself from existing proposals such as Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse and would be closer to the concept of Spotify .

According to Axios, the company founded by Jeff Bezos is investing heavily in a new live audio feature. Instead of audio rooms with one or more speakers and listeners, Amazon would focus on music. It would offer concerts and other live events with the aim of reinforcing the type of content that can be accessed through its smart speakers, although the function would not be limited only to these.

The internet giant, according to the source, has delegated the leadership of its new live audio project to its Music division . It already has podcast networks, with popular and exclusive content, and a large music catalog. To shape the project, Amazon would be contacting some record labels to make live event agreements with some of the main artists.

Amazon is also betting on radio and podcasts

But it's not just about concerts and live music. Amazon's new feature could also include radio shows and new podcasts that would be added to existing ones to further strengthen the proposal. As a result of the Wondery acquisition in 2020, the company would also invest in localized audio news and sports programs.

Reports also indicate that Amazon could integrate live audio into its streaming service, Twitch. However, unlike Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces, the company does not seek to build a social community around its new features.

As for the competition, the closest thing Amazon is trying to do is Spotify's Greenroom, a live social audio app focused on conversations, music and sports, and concerts. This is the product of the purchase of Betty Labs, a developer that had Locker Room under its orbit.

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