
Amazon's terms of use have a clause in case “human corpses revive and try to consume live human flesh”

Amazon's terms of use have a clause in case “human corpses revive and try to consume live human flesh”

The terms of use for Amazon Web Services (AWS) are so detailed that they even include an exception in the event of a downfall of civilization through a zombie apocalypse . Yes, how are you reading.

The aforementioned legal document on the services of the American company has a section that refers to Lumberyard. It is a video game engine that allows developers to create or host their games on AWS.

Amazon makes it clear in this document that Lumberyard cannot be used in systems critical to life or security. For example, for the operation of “medical equipment, automated transport systems or autonomous vehicles”.

The company, in order to clear up any doubts, also prohibits its game engine from being used for “control of aircraft or air traffic, nuclear installations, manned spacecraft or for military use “.

The aforementioned points, therefore, would allow the company to fight for its legal rights in certain circumstances. For example, if NASA decided to incorporate Lumberyard into one of its ships or if someone happened to use this software to control a nuclear power plant. But it doesn't stop there.

Amazon and its bizarre exceptions

Felixtz Clause 42.10 of the aforementioned document establishes certain exceptions to this restriction. Specifically, it says that it will not apply “in the event of a widespread viral infection (certified by CDC or successor agency).”

As if this were not enough, Amazon also indicates that the disease must be “transmitted through bites or contact with body fluids.” And he clarifies that this must make “human corpses revive and try to consume live human flesh, blood, brain or nervous tissue”.

As a finishing touch, the company predicts that such events will likely result in “ the downfall of organized civilization “. The good side of such catastrophic events is that the developers would be allowed to use this game engine without restrictions. Of course, it is not very clear how Lumberyard could help stop a global catastrophe of these magnitudes. Probably, at that point in time, the servers of the American company would have already been taken over by zombies.

The other pages of the document with the terms of service of Amazon Web Services abound in legal concepts, like any other of this type. However, it seems that someone with a good sense of humor let their imagination run wild.

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