
Anyone can now access OpenAI's GPT-3, for better and for worse

Anyone can now access OpenAI's GPT-3, for better and for worse

The advance in the development of artificial intelligence is impressive, and OpenAI plays a crucial role that is undeniable. In recent years we have come across very interesting cases of the evolution of AI, from the hand of the company co-founded by Elon Musk, which also has strong support from Microsoft. Therefore, it is not surprising that the renowned research laboratory has released access to its API .

As published in the last hours, the waiting list that existed for GPT-3, the OpenAI autoregressive language model , has been eliminated . This is because new security measures have been implemented; So developers who want to start experimenting with the API can do so now, as long as they are in one of the supported countries.

“Tens of thousands of developers are already leveraging powerful AI models through our platform. We believe that by opening access to these models through an easy-to-use API, more developers will find creative ways to adapt AI to a lots of useful applications and open problems “, they explained from OpenAI.

With the opening of access to GPT-3 through its API, OpenAI has also decided to update its Content Guidelines . They are intended to prevent the use of the aforementioned API to generate violent, political, hateful, or adult content, among others. This is because the application programming interface in question is not yet able to discern with certainty which type of content is harmful and which is of acceptable use.

OpenAI is now available to all interested programmers

Credit: OpenAI As we said at the beginning, the advancement of OpenAI artificial intelligence is admirable. This year the company introduced DALL-E , a GPT-3-based neural network capable of creating super-realistic images from a text description. And it has also released Codex , a tool for GitHub that is capable of auto-completing code, and even creating web applications or games from natural language.

The implementations are really spectacular , and that is why the definitive opening to access to the API is great news. “We are excited to have the security measures in place to open GPT-3 to more developers. As they continue to improve, we will expand the way the API can be used; while further optimizing the experience for our users,” they say from OpenAI.

Those who want to test the OpenAI API should register here. If you don't know if your country is on the admitted list, you can check it through this link.

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