
Apple will introduce some changes in the functioning of AirTags to limit their illicit use

Apple will introduce some changes in the functioning of AirTags to limit their illicit use

Apple announced Thursday that it intends to introduce some measures to make AirTags – devices that can attach to objects to track them down when not found – more secure, and limit the chances of them being used to spy on people's movements without their knowledge: when Apple unveiled them last April, there were growing concerns about it, also thanks to some journalistic inquiries that had collected a series of testimonies on their illicit uses.

Apple said it has consulted with law enforcement to fine-tune the changes to be made to the AirTags: among other things, an alert will be introduced every time a new AirTag is set to inform users that use it for spying on people is considered a crime in many countries.

Above all, notifications will be activated to report more promptly and clearly if an unknown AirTag is in the user's vicinity, and iPhone users from 11 onwards will be able to have precise instructions on where to find it. The system should be used to detect more quickly and effectively if someone has slipped an AirTag into a person's bag or backpack, or has attached it to his car, and is using it to track him. For this, sound notifications will also be enhanced to track down unknown Airtags in your vicinity.

Also to make the use of AirTags safer, a couple of weeks ago Apple also updated the guide to better manage your privacy and the sharing of your data, including specific instructions on the use of these devices.

However, AirTags continue to present some critical issues, in particular for Android users, who cannot receive the warning that they are followed by an unknown Airtag unless they download a specific app.

– Read also: Are AirTags used to spy on people?

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