
Atlas Wristband2 review, the professional wrist coach

Atlas Wristband2 review, the professional wrist coach

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The first thing you think when you pick up the Atlas Wristband2, one of the many wrist gadgets we have tested in recent months, is that it is something completely different, even if its functions, on paper, would be more or less the same as the competitors. Thanks to the asymmetrical, protruding, intriguing, curious shape, so much so that the whole project must guarantee a truly out of the ordinary result to offer such an extreme design.

In fact, this smart bracelet had been liked from the beginning, when it had not yet materialized but already the chat in the living rooms of the experts of werable smart gave him for one of the most promising devices. Now that it is a reality, we can say that the promises have been kept, Atlas Wristband2 is truly an excellent device for those who love to play sports and seek the most out of themselves and their bodies.

However, this extreme must be clear from the start: Atlas Wristband2 is not a bracelet for every day, it is not a smartwatch and above all it is not an object that can be bought or given away with a light heart. It is a device for professionals, for those who really do sport, alone or in company but certainly not for the Sunday runner.

Atlas Wristband2

Atlas Wristband2, beyond the distance

Atlas Wristband2 is a very advanced: in a market where a bracelet with a heart rate sensor and a gyroscope is almost normal today, the Atlas bracelet combines these characteristics on the one hand with a very large database of exercises that will seriously test you, on the other hand with a remarkable ability to recognize movement and calculate all gains, almost muscle by muscle, instead of a total physical gain as even the most popular devices on the market do.

However, that it is a very particular object, as we have said, it is understood even before the purchase: the bracelet itself, is basically a rubber strap with a plastic bed, where the actual computing center rests, with the monochrome display (touch screen) on one side and the heartbeat sensor on the other.

The release is used to charge the bracelet thanks to the microUSB connector: the battery lasts well over a day, even if the fact whether it is a smartwatch to wear in the office or in a pizzeria makes this feature unimportant. Let me be clear, it is not that he does not know how to perform this function, but after five minutes on the wrist it is clear that it is a huge waste.

Atlas Wristband2

The main function is to monitor on the one hand all the movements of the body, not only the main ones (such as running) but also any push-ups, stretching exercises, twists and so on, which are detected by the Atlas Wristband2 according to the expected settings and then reported in the App at the first synchronization.

The other functions are to provide a real-time indication of some parameters, such as the heart rate: not having a built-in GPS or a sharing function, it is not possible to track the route during a run, but as far as we understand, the length of the run is not important for Atlas Wristband2, which focuses us more on duration and effort put into it .

And, let's be clear, running is neither the only registered activity, nor the most i important: unlike many other smart bracelets on the market, in fact, which are designed especially for running (of all kinds) and partially for other sports such as cycling or swimming, here the number of sports and activities is surprising.

And if that's not enough, you can also create your own, then synchronize them between the bracelet and the device.

Atlas Wristband2

An essential cloud but done well

The bracelet is well constructed: essential, mind you, but without apparent weaknesses. The display is large and can be used well even when under stress, the control modes via the display are comfortable and practically everything is automated for one or two touches at most.

The side button it is a little too sensitive when the Atlas Wristband2 is worn for non-sporting tasks, but as we have pointed out it is not a casual model, so it is a minor problem.

Reading the data via display instead is fluctuating: large figures for some data, small written for others, and even if in essence the information is never lacking, some improvements can still be made here and there, on the display side.

Atlas Wristband2

Even the App is made in a minimalist but effective way: four zones, from summary to cardio, from Focus to Coach, basically an exercise library and recovery data that the user personalizes day by day, workout after workout. Compared to other apps we have seen, Atlas wanted to offer something more advanced, professional, in which the focus is constantly on physical activity, on results and not on secondary data. For example, there are no daily steps, distance and as we said the GPS data because for Atlas Wristband2 these data are not important, fatigue is measured in calories, not in steps.

And that's not all: many operations can also be done more comfortably directly from the Mac screen, through the Dashboard area of ​​the Atlas site where the data collected by the App and posted on the online space find space. We also appreciated the completeness of the videos illustrating every single activity present in the bracelet, of which for the most part we were unaware of their existence.

Atlas Wristband2

Sport or death

Unlike other products that we have reviewed in these pages, talking here about Atlas Wristband2 has been very difficult for those who, like the your neighborhood columnist, he is not a sportsman in an absolute sense but more of a Sunday runner.

Atlas Wristband2 is, really, a very vertical product that will make the happiness of those who go to the gym to sweat, those who find themselves in the morning even if it rains for the agreed race, those who do thirty-two push-ups because the partner next to him stopped at thirty. And obviously also for those who work in the gym or play sports in a competitive or professional way.

Atlas Wristband2

Wristband vi let it go, but it also accompanies you when you stop for a few exercises, checks your health and indicates which movements strain which muscles and which do not. In this it is a good product, very good to tell the truth: there are defects, such as a particularly difficult learning curve for those who play sports in a casual way, or a management that is too detailed in numbers and activities even when not required. .

The general idea is that probably, the more you play sports, the more you challenge yourself not in a single activity but in a series of continuous and variable exercises, then the more Atlas Wristband2 will not only be loved. , but it will be a real coach on the wrist, who will follow you where your coach cannot.

Atlas Wristband2 is available on the Atlas website with distribution also in Italy in two colors, or even at a discounted price Amazon's international site.

Pro :

  • Design originals
  • Extensive exercise library
  • Large and convenient display via touch
  • Against:

  • The readability of the data is not bad but it can be improved
  • Not suitable for everyday use
  • Price : 199.00 Dollars


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