
Can a Bizum be canceled if the quantity or recipient is wrong?

Can a Bizum be canceled if the quantity or recipient is wrong?

It is an unpleasant sensation. A cold sweat runs down your back. Your body remains immobile. This is what happens when you make a mistake when send a Bizum . Isn't there an undo button for these situations? Is it possible to cancel a Bizum sent by mistake?

We talk about money. Real money. Bizum has simplified something like send or receive money in a virtual way, without having to carry it with you. From the comfort of your mobile phone. But that convenience has a trade-off: it is easier for you to make a mistake of the amount to send or to incorrectly indicate the recipient. It can also happen that you simply change your mind once you have sent a Bizum. The solution is clear, cancel that Bizum.

What do those responsible say? The first, in the front. “Bizum that are sent to another user cannot be canceled.” The solution they provide is common sense. Contact that person and ask him to return the amount sent. Trouble? That you are not always wrong with someone you know. And not everyone is equally honest.

Alternatives to canceling a Bizum

Given that you cannot undo what has already been done and that you cannot cancel an already authorized Bizum, we must look for other solutions. The first is to contact the person who received the shipment directly. It's not possible?

The second solution is to contact your bank. That is, with the bank through which you send and receive money with Bizum. It is the same situation as when you receive an incorrect invoice or payment. Talking with your bank can help you to ensure that the money transfer does not get processed .

Some banks, such as CaixaBank, indicate it like this on their official website . Messages such as “If money is accidentally sent to the wrong person, you will need to contact (your bank) to justify reversing the payment.” In addition, they provide you with a contact number and / or an email address. If you are a client of CaixaBank , you should call 900404090 or write to

Santander, BBVA or Banco Sabadell , do not specify how to contact them if you have a problem or wish to cancel a Bizum. Each one has their contact methods, through the official app, for example. Banco Sabadell reflects very well what the situation is: “The receipt of money in Bizum is immediate in the bank account”.

For the other banks, you can consult this Bizum page. There you will find your bank and a link to the help page of said bank in relation to Bizum, although it is not certain that they will answer your questions about how to cancel a Bizum.

Reject a Bizum Request

From the point of view of the recipient of the Bizum request. The recipient is the one who has the last word. If they ask you to pay something and you disagree, you can cancel that Bizum request . But, of course, if they offer you money, it is rare that you reject it.

As they themselves say, “the Bizum is sent immediately, so it will reach the recipient's account in less than 5 seconds ! In case the flies, we always send a notification to the recipient of the money to confirm its correct receipt. In case of request, the recipient will have 7 days to accept or reject it “.

A separate case is that whoever receives your wrong Bizum request does not have Bizum activated . In that situation, you may be lucky. According to official help, “your shipment will remain in pending status until the recipient registers, at which point the shipment will be made. If, after two days from the money transfer date , the recipient does not register, the operation will be automatically canceled. ”

If you ever find yourself on the opposite side , choose to cancel the Bizum. Nobody gives away money, so this is either a mistake or a scam attempt . Sometimes an SMS message of an alleged money transfer in your favor hides a charge. Don't fall into the trap.

Prevention is better than cure

Now that you know that you cannot cancel a Bizum, it is advisable to be cautious. I repeat what I said at the beginning of the article. It's about sending money. Real money. Therefore, you have to review the data , at least twice, before accepting that shipment. The application itself asks you before sending money.

However, there are several tips to follow so that, if it has happened to you once, it does not happen again. Bizum recommends that you use your contact list for the recipient instead of indicating the phone number by hand. A wrong number and goodbye to that money.

Go calmly, configure the shipment in a quiet place, pay attention to the amount indicated and the recipient, review the summary of the shipment … All precautions are little, no matter how easy it is to “make a Bizum ”. That's what the check screen is for.

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