
Can't find the shuffle button on Spotify? It's Adele's “fault”

Can't find the shuffle button on Spotify?  It's Adele's “fault”

If you're used to listening to shuffle music on Spotify , bad news. The streaming platform has removed the button on all albums after Adele pressured the company to remove it, prior to the release of her new album , 30 .

The button to activate random playback is still present in the artist view, or of a playlist. But when it comes to the album view, will not appear . The change is already in effect and Adele has confirmed , from her Twitter account, that it was she who requested the elimination of the option as the only condition for the new album to be present on streaming platforms. streaming.

“This is the only request I had for the ever-changing industry. We don't lovingly create albums and put so much effort into ordering songs for no reason. Our art tells a story and our stories should be heard like the ones. We imagine. Thank you Spotify for listening “, explained Adele .

Adele brings to the table the discomfort of artists with Spotify

Random play is one of dozens of criticisms that artists have made of streaming music platforms over the years. Adele has simply made it public and taken advantage of the power and weight it has in the industry. Allowing the songs to be heard as the musician envisioned them is, without a doubt, a positive step for them. But it has already generated a certain level of criticism from the user side, who considers that these measures take away control and options.

In fact, it is one of the great concerns of streaming platforms in general. Where the user is at the mercy of the aggregation of characteristics, and of the constant changes in the catalogs. Not only musicals, like Spotify or Apple Music , the same goes for Netflix , HBO Max or Disney + . The constant modifications to the interfaces can have a significant impact on the way we consume content. Sometimes for the better, but also for the worse.

That said, if we don't like a song, we just go to the next one, and it was never serious. Random play, other than playlists, doesn't add anything really positive to the music listening experience.

At the moment Spotify seems to be on the artist's side. To the tweet posted by Adele , the company replied: “whatever for you.”

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