
Charlie Cox Talks Again About Daredevil's Rumored Appearance In 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

Charlie Cox Talks Again About Daredevil's Rumored Appearance In 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

Charlie Cox has generated too much conversation in recent weeks. The reason? It is rumored that he will appear in Spider-Man: No way home as Daredevil, the iconic character he gave life to in the Netflix series of the same name. Now, in an interview with Forbes in relation to his participation in Kin, the AMC series, the actor was forced to comment again on the rumors. Obviously, he preferred to take care of his statement to avoid any kind of scandal.

“My answer is: no comment. I don't know what will happen. I really don't know. If there was a possibility that that happens in the future I don't want to say something that could jeopardize those possibilities. The higher ups of Marvel maybe they see these things or hear what I say, maybe that influences. “

Charlie Cox

Also, Charlie Cox said not knowing how Disney is managing the Character rights previously owned by Netflix . Referring, of course, to Daredevil, Punisher and Jessica Jones. “I don't know what the policies are, I don't know what's going on behind the scenes either. I do not know anything about that. I don't know what the rules are, the deal Netflix made … Everything I say can be taken out of context and it could be a headline that could mean something, so I'm a little careful what I say now, “he stated.

No news about Spider-Man: No way home, for now …

Despite dodging the issue of Spider -Man: No way home, he recognized the good work of Jon Bernthal and Krysten Ritter playing Punisher and Jessica Jones , respectively. In fact, he recommends casting the same actors in case of who are planning to bring back their respective characters. Charlie Cox continued, “All I'll say is that I don't know who could do a better version of Punisher than Jon Bernthal . That character is loved, people are crazy about Frank Castle. So if they're going to do it again, I hope they do it with him because I don't think it's any better, “adding:

” I feel the same about Krysten Ritter. I know Jessica Jones is not as well known a character as Frank Castle, but what a performance. It was a great show. “

Charlie Cox

It seems that Charlie Cox, in case of really being part of the cast of Spider-Man: No way home, will not say absolutely nothing before the premiere (December 17, 2021). Meanwhile, the internet will continue to formulate all kinds of theories to accommodate Matt Murdock in the new film of the arachnid superhero. Of course, the lawyer in the scene of the trailer has already been discarded.

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