
Cop Rose X6 review, the fast and accurate automatic window cleaner

Cop Rose X6 review, the fast and accurate automatic window cleaner

Home CasaVerdeSmart ,,,,, Cop Rose X6 is the second window cleaner put to the test by our editorial team (here you can find the review of the previous model). While the purpose of use remains the same, with the new robot the shape changes, which makes it from a certain point of view more efficient in cleaning, and in the automated “path”, which promises an equally complete washing but in a substantially time reduced.

Cop Rose X6

As did

Instead of two rotating plates, the robot is composed of a single square-shaped piece, with an uncovered central area and on which we find the suction grill, useful for creating the vacuum between the robot and the glass, thus keeping it glued to the surface.

Overall it measures 24 x 24 centimeters and is 5 centimeters high in the thickest part, about 10 centimeters if we take into account the large central handle. The bottom is framed by a cloth that remains glued to the robot through some portions of velcro-like: there are two types, one orange, softer and designed for dry cleaning (for dust and little else), the the other is gray and is a rougher cloth, more suitable for washing with water and detergent soap. In the package we find two of each type, thus being able to replace and wash them without interrupting the cleaning of the windows.

The movements of the window cleaner are ensured by two rubber tracks, also designed to increase the adhesion of the robot to the surface and ensure the right movements without ever slipping.

Cop Rose X6 Cop Rose X6 Cop Rose X6

How does it work

First you connect the power supply to the electrical socket (and the window cleaner), then you place the robot on the glass or mirror to be cleaned and turn on the switch at the same time. The motor will begin to suck, creating a vacuum between the window cleaner and the surface within a few seconds, then supporting it without difficulty (despite its 1.2 kg weight).

At this point all that remains is to press the Start button on the remote control (use two AAA batteries not included in the package) to start the automatic cleaning. It is also possible to direct it manually using the directional arrows: at the end of the cleaning, press the stop button, hold the robot still with one hand and turn off the switch to stop the suction.

Recensione Cop Rose X6


Before starting, make sure that the power cable is long enough to allow the window cleaner to reach even the most remote point of the surface to be cleaned, if necessary, offer it more movement by connecting the power supply to an extension cable.

Also included in the package is the safety short, useful in case you say to leave the robot unattended during cleaning. The window cleaner is equipped with a safety system designed to stop the robot and decrease the suction power just enough to keep it glued to the glass for 30 minutes in the event of a power failure: the time limit has been exceeded, without a rope following the robot would crash to the ground damaging itself and / or the floor.

How are you doing

With the orange cloth it easily removes fingerprints and dust, while for a deeper cleaning it is advisable to use the gray cloth together with a dedicated detergent, to be sprayed previously on the glass (and maybe a little even on the cloth itself).

Compared to the other model, this window cleaner wins in its shape, which is more suitable for reaching even the corners of the surfaces to be washed. The cleaning system seemed even more intelligent to us: the robot climbs to the top, until it meets the edge of the window or “the void” in the case of mirrors without frames (thanks to some sensors it automatically recognizes any steps), at which point rotates and begins to move in a zig-zag, gradually descending downwards. At the end of the first lap it will return to the top again, this time cleaning the surface in smaller areas, as if dividing the glass into columns, for a deeper cleaning.


This window cleaner is a good ally for those who need a big hand in house cleaning. If the windows to be cleaned are in good condition, an entire window can be polished even in a few minutes, cleaning the entire house even in a few hours (obviously everything depends on the number of windows to be cleaned): just move it from time to time. between one window and the next at the end of the descent or leave it to work for several minutes – even if you are absent – in case a deeper cleaning is required.

The presence of an emergency system in the event of a sudden power failure is ideal for avoiding the use of the safety rope, which in some environments may be impossible to secure. All in all it does its duty and does not need maintenance, except to wash the cloth after cleaning.

Price to the public

Cop Rose X6 is on sale on GearBest for 245 euros.


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