
Create an attention-grabbing resume in just a few steps with these tools

Create an attention-grabbing resume in just a few steps with these tools

There are many ways to find a job . Social networks have been added to this list offering a world-wide sideboard where to publish a video, an article or a resume, a classic of the job search and that continues to be used as a summary of our work and academic experience . That is, whether you like it or not, you will have to make a resume.

Millions of pages, books, guides have been written on the subject, courses and workshops have been held. And yet, there is no hard and fast rule of thumb for what a good resume should have. Yes there are some guidelines, such as being attractive, highlighting the most important and focusing on the job position you aspire to, but from there there is much you can add on your part to give it a personal touch .

In order to give you a little help if you are looking for work , we propose a selection of online editors to design your own curriculum vitae and thus impress recruiters and employers wherever you go.


Using a template, OnlineCV assists you in the arduous task of summarizing your professional and academic life in one or two pages that are attractive to those who read them. You can use it from the browser directly, either from PC, Mac, tablets or smartphones.

In order not to make mistakes, in addition to the templates you can consult tips and examples . This way you will give the best of you on your resume. Once finished, you can download it in various formats (PDF or TXT). Another possibility is to share it through a link .

The online editor of OnlineCV makes it easy to change colors, fonts, order of sections, etc. Beyond the content, the result will be as you want in all aspects .


His motto is “Everything you need to get the attention of Human Resources.” LiveCareer saves you time and effort in the preparation of your curriculum vitae. Depending on the job position and the philosophy of the company you want to enter, you can dress up the curriculum to your liking.

To start with, 20 templates for specific profiles and professions. Then, the online editor will allow you to organize the information in a modular way according to what you want to highlight . In addition, you will have tips, examples and standard phrases to use in your resume.

The last step, LiveCareer allows you to download the CV to spread it through the channels of your choice: LinkedIn, email, your own website … You can also upload your own CV to edit it right there.


With the suggestive name of iCulum we come across another practical online curriculum vitae editor that works from pre-designed templates. So you get rid of the graphic part and you can focus on the written content of the summary of your work life .

There are templates for all tastes, within what this type of document so tightly bound allows. For the rest, you can customize the curriculum from the browser and thus give it your own personal touch beyond the written content.

Like the previous editors, iCulum offers two options when finished: download the document in PDF format or share it with a public link on social networks or wherever you choose.

Europass CV

We end with Europass CV , the curriculum vitae model designed by the European Union to facilitate job search across borders.

With this online editor, accessible from any web browser, you can create a resume from scratch, import one already created previously, etc. The editor will guide you step by step and will indicate the fields to fill in, the language to choose, etc.

On this occasion, Europass CV first asks you for the information and then allows you to select a template . At the end you will be able to save the curriculum, download it or continue editing it.

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