
Dark mode comes to the desktop version of the Google search engine and so you can activate it

Dark mode comes to the desktop version of the Google search engine and so you can activate it

The dark mode reaches one of the most important services on the web. After several months of testing, Google has started to roll out this feature in the desktop version of its search engine.

Google had already released dark mode for its search application on Android, but the presence of this proposal in the desktop variant was a pending task.

Now, according to the social media consultant, Matt Navarra, dark mode is being progressively deployed to all users, regardless of the type of operating system or browser.

This is because the dark theme is configured directly from the desktop version of the Google search engine, although, yes, if you already have your operating system and browser with a dark theme, now everything will have more visual coherence.

As you can see in the screenshots, the design looks similar to what we have seen in the dark version of YouTube . Like the video platform, dark mode is everywhere. Regarding the colors, gray predominates with blue letters and lighter gray.

How to configure the dark mode in Google?

Credit: Pixel3aXL (Reddit) Google should introduce you to the new dark mode via a notification. There, you can directly choose if you want to activate it and keep it deactivated. However, also you have the possibility to configure it manually .

Go to the desktop version of Google search engine and click on Preferences , located in the lower right corner. Then enter Search Settings .

In the section Appearance , you can find three options. The light theme, the dark one and the default preferences. Once you have selected the desired option, click on Save at the bottom of the page.

Remember that this is a progressive update, so if you don't have the dark mode yet, you will have to wait a while. The rollout of this new feature could take weeks.

If you think about finding an alternative method to make it appear, keep in mind that changing the language and location will not be effective, at least with this feature. We have tried it and it has not worked. Now it only remains to wait.

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