
Eaton 3S Mini UPS Review, the smallest UPS in the world

Eaton 3S Mini UPS Review, the smallest UPS in the world

Eaton 3S Mini is a new and intelligent solution from the US multinational group to help those who do smart working at home, ensuring the continuity of online operations even in the event of a power failure.

The UPS in fact takes care of supplying energy to the router, and to some other small device of the case, in a transparent and above all simple way for the end user. We tried it on our skin for a few weeks, let's see how it went.

  • 1 In case of
  • 2 The characteristics
  • 3 How it works
  • 4 Considerations
  • 5 Pros:
  • 6 Cons:
  • 7 Price:
  • In case of

    The situation is this: you are in the living room or bedroom, and you are making a very important call, but it is also 6 pm and in the meantime your partner puts the chicken in the oven, and until he waits for it washing machine finished take a shower and use the hairdryer.

    Suddenly, everything becomes dark because the energy load is excessive: if you use a laptop, there are no problems, as well as for connected devices (but beware of powered HUBs), but even if the Mac remains on, the modem turns off and stay offline for a few seconds or minutes.

    A big annoyance, which Eaton 3S Mini solves by powering the Modem (or the Router or the Switch) for the time necessary to allow someone to restore the energy (perhaps by turning off the hairdryer) and return to normal.

    Eaton 3S Mini 10 Black and white design with front logo, also looks good on sight

    The features

    Since the Eaton 3S Mini is a product designed for consumer users, Eaton has rightly reduced the installation phases to a minimum, which are limited to inserting the same between the device and the power supply, thanks also to a series of adapters included in the package.

    The overall dimensions are very small, only 95.5x30x136 mm in 400 grams, capable of operating at temperatures ranging from 0 to 35 ° C (therefore it is not suitable for operating outdoors, except occasionally).

    The box is in two-tone plastic, as can be seen from the photos: it offers a connector for charging the internal battery and one for charging the external device, with four adapters (5.5 × 2.5 / 5.5 × 2.1 /4,75reste1,7/3,5reste1,35).

    Eaton 3S Mini 1 Eaton 3S Mini 2 Eaton 3S Mini 3 The rated power is 36W, with an input voltage of 90-264V AC and an input frequency of 50/60 Hz, with an Output voltage / Amp of 9V / 3A – 12V / 3A – 15V / 2.4 A – 19 V / 1.89 A.

    The battery capacity is 3.7 V / 2200 mAh x 2, which makes it a UPS capable of powering small electronic objects, such as Modems or Routers, small security cameras or at least small service displays: for stationary computers the Epos catalog belongs to other much more capable models (such as the EATON Ellipse Pro 850), but which are usually more bulky and not very suitable for exposed surfaces.

    Eaton 3S Mini 14 It is unlikely that this device is above the desk, it is usually near the router or next to a security camera, but in case, it has a design that is certainly better than the average of the routers in circulation

    How does it work

    Once connected to the socket and to the device, the Eaton 3S Mini performs an automatic scan stopping at the right output voltage, showing it with a LED light.

    The same line of LEDs changes and shows the remaining charge when it senses that there is a power cut from the source, powering the device.

    Our tests have all given positive results: in addition to having tried the interruption in a simulated way, we have witnessed an unwanted interruption, in which a clumsy energy calculation (such as the one described at the beginning of the article) caused the current. Fortunately, the EATON Ellipse Pro 850 supported the computer, monitor and Hard Disk and the Eaton 3S Mini instead the home router, so much so that, apart from the darkness, we would not have even noticed the interruption (so much so that we continued the call, while the others in the house were looking for the most demanding accessory to turn it off before reactivating the meter).

    Eaton 3S Mini 5 Eaton 3S Mini 6 Eaton 3S Mini 7 The battery, despite its compact size, is very efficient and allows you to keep a basic modem for 80 minutes, or a more powerful and more functional one for 40 minutes, which is usually enough to finish the call, get up and restore energy. .

    For the rest of the Eaton 3S Mini stop where we put it in absolute silence and without cluttering too much, unless we carry it with us in the bag and, with the forced start, we do not use it as a portable battery for some device in round.

    The first flaw, to want to point out, is the fact that the input for the Schuko power supply (FR / DIN) is quite voluminous and cluttered a lot, as well as not being beautiful to see (for a device that instead lets you look good) . The other flaw is that there is only one output to power the device, and we can only use it on one device at a time.

    Eaton 3S Mini 16 In the part side the LEDs that indicate the current charge power when in use, while in the battery phase, the LEDs indicate the remaining charge


    Eaton 3S Mini is a small, quiet, intriguing device that will hopefully never be used, knowing that even once, it could make a difference.

    The cost is not excessive, including a two-year guarantee, and is offered both as a preventive purchase for those who have the prospect of continuing smart working (with fairly frequent calls, the writer knows what we are talking about) or even as a gift. to those who start this activity, given that the cost is largely covered by the probable damage of a missed call.


    • Marked but pleasant design • Completely autonomous • Suitable for those who do smart working


    • The Schuko input is perhaps excessive • It powers only one device at a time


    • 77.00 Euro

    Eaton 3S Mini is available in stores suggested by the Italian website of the parent company or you can also find it discounted at

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