
Elon Musk reacts to the latest craze about DOOM's NFTs

Elon Musk reacts to the latest craze about DOOM's NFTs

Elon Musk often shares his reactions on the latest trends related to cryptocurrencies and NFTs , and the latest craze about non-fungible tokens has been no exception. The CEO of Tesla and Space X has “laughed” at a new mod for DOOM , the popular first-person shooter video game. The extension, in particular, replaces the opponents with monkeys that pretend to be NFTs and the player, instead of shooting them to eliminate them, must photograph them in exchange for money.

It is clear that the new DOOM mod refers to the main reason why many users are against or make fun of NFTs: that can be easily photographed or reproduced , either by downloading the image or through a screenshot. A user on Twitter has published a small clip where you can see the dynamics of this extension. In the video, it is possible to observe how the player photographs the NFTs as if they were celebrities. Every shot with the camera is profit for the photographer. Elon Musk was quick to respond to that post with an emoji of a face crying with laughter.

The truth is that Elon Musk has shown his opinion on these digital assets in a completely different way than other managers. The different publications that he has shared on twitter make it clear that he is on the side of a that those who think that this type of cryptographic tokens have no value. The CEO of Tesla, in fact, joked in a response to a tweet from the creator of DogeCoin, saying “NFTs are jpeging up the dollar (jpeging, as a mockery of being a .jpg file).”

Elon Musk almost entered the world of NFTs

The businessman, curiously, was about to jump on the NFT bandwagon with a song about non-expendable tokens — yes, an NFT of a song about NFTs. However, five hours after publishing the news, he decided to back down. “Actually, I don't feel quite right selling this. I'll pass,” Elon Musk said in response to his own tweet.

An NFT, let's remember, is a non-fungible token that can only have a single owner . This digital asset has grown in popularity since some tokens, such as the first tweet in history or the most viral memes on the internet, were auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Since then, a large number of companies, public figures, executives and even youtubers, have begun to join this trend with tokens that can be used in games or even in the metaverse prepared by Meta (Facebook).

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