
Elon Musk to host 'Saturday Night Live': will he push Dogecoin to the moon?

Elon Musk to host 'Saturday Night Live': will he push Dogecoin to the moon?

Saturday Night Live , the popular night program in the United States, will experience a very special edition on Saturday, May 8 (May 9 in Spain ) . Believe it or not, Elon Musk will be your host with Miley Cyrus . Yes, you read that right. Both are among the best-known faces in the world and it will be interesting to see how they unfold in such an entertaining show. It is clear that Musk's presence will blow up the audience ratings.

Unlike Elon Musk's other appearances on American shows, his presence on Saturday Night Live will likely be more “informal.” This does not mean, however, that the manager will lose the opportunity to promote the companies he runs. Another option that we cannot leave aside is that take advantage of the space to boost, once again, the value of Dogecoin , the internet sensation cryptocurrency.

So important will be the appearance of Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live that the markets will be watching him closely . Ed Moya, an analyst at Oanda, told CNN that Musk could have a sketch about cryptocurrencies with the potential to go viral. The biggest beneficiary, of course, would be Dogecoin: “It will probably go viral for days and further motivate its army of followers to try to propel dogecoin to the moon.”

And speaking of Dogecoin, this week was one of the most important in its history after reaching a new maximum value of 69 cents . It could be little for many, but during 2021 its value has shot up by 12,000% . One of the main responsible for its rise is precisely Elon Musk, who has taken his Twitter account to catapult Dogecoin to levels never seen before.

So, we just have to wait for the next edition of Saturday Night Live and see what Elon Musk has planned. The program can be followed live at 5:30 in Spain (Sunday, May 9) or 10:30 in Mexico . Where? Fortunately they have enabled an international transmission to enjoy it through YouTube . Below you have the player so you don't miss it.

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