
Facebook Accused Of Allowing Ads For Children About Alcohol, Vaping And Gambling

Facebook Accused Of Allowing Ads For Children About Alcohol, Vaping And Gambling

Reset Australia, an organization that works to counter digital threats, accuses Facebook of allowing ads directed at children between 13 and 17 years old about alcohol, gambling, dating, extreme weight loss and vaping .

The organization created a fake news account, Ozzie News Network, to test whether Facebook's advertising platform Ads Manager treats children differently from adults. The study reveals that Facebook offered the page the ability to advertise this type of content to some 740,000 Australian children between the ages of 13 and 17.

To test the ad manager, Reset Australia, through its fake page, tried to mount an advertising campaign with some of the following parameters unsuitable for minors:

Smoking and vapingAlcoholBettingPublications and products classified for older 18-year-olds Extreme weight loss and loss Online dating services Posts promoting harmful gender norms Although Facebook does not allow ads about alcohol and other inappropriate content to children under 18 years of age, it does not prevent the ads from being directed to children who, according to the data collected by the social network, have such interests .

Reset Australia indicates that Facebook rejected two of its ads that featured traditional cigarettes. But when he resubmitted the ads showing e-cigarettes, they were approved. Specifically, a campaign targeting 52,000 children interested in alcohol would cost $ 303.

The platform also allowed ads to be set up for 14,000 teens interested in gambling and gambling for $ 11.24 and extreme weight loss for $ 38.46. Ads directed at 1,000 children interested in cigarettes or vaping would cost between $ 138 and $ 210.

The social network also collects data from minors

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash The organization's study not only highlights the fact that Facebook allows inappropriate ads directed at minors, but also points out that the social network collects data from young people in the same way as from adults .

To create targeted advertising campaigns, Facebook creates user profiles based on data such as location, age, and gender. In addition, it tracks online behavior in search of interests.

“Facebook seems to use adolescent data in the same way as adults.”

Chris Cooper, CEO of Reset Australia The organization seeks to have the government develop a framework that regulates how data on youth can be collected and used. The organization understands that there must be the express consent of children and parents.

According to The Guardian, Facebook reviews all ads before they go live. However, a company spokesperson said that some announcements may be reviewed after publication.

“We have important measures in place to review all ads before and after they are served, including automated systems and human reviewers,” said the Facebook spokesperson.

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