
Facebook closes tbh, an app it bought just eight months ago

Facebook closes tbh, an app it bought just eight months ago

Facebook has announced the closure of tbh, a smartphone application that had been a great success among teenagers in the United States last fall, and which is used to exchange compliments anonymously, through surveys of various kinds. The app was launched in August 2017 and had quickly collected more than 5 million subscribers, who had exchanged over a billion messages, prompting Facebook to acquire it for 100 million dollars. In the following months tbh – which stands for “to be honest” – however, had struggled to maintain the successes of the early days and had not received much attention from Facebook, despite the addition of some new features. . Eight months after the acquisition and less than a year of existence, tbh will therefore be closed. Facebook has also announced that it will close Hello, an Android app for managing contacts on the social network, and Moves, an application to track one's physical activity.

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