
Facebook will no longer be Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg will change the company name for the first time in its history

Facebook will no longer be Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg will change the company name for the first time in its history

Facebook will stop calling itself Facebook as soon as next week. This is revealed by a person with direct knowledge of the process, as revealed exclusively by the North American media The Verge.

A momentous change that could be made public at the company's annual event, scheduled for next October 28. It will be in that (Facebook) Connect, where Mark Zuckerberg could reveal the grand scheme in which the firm he commands works.

One with much bigger ambitions, some in the form of a metaverse, that will shape the next years of the Menlo Park technology company . And so much so, that they would create the need to give birth to a new global brand.

Goodbye to Facebook, long live the metaverse?

Just a few days ago Facebook announced its plans to create 10,000 jobs in Europe to develop its metaverse. This would be something like a new parallel vital digital environment powered by augmented and virtual reality. And it is the next great plan of the Californian company.

Currently, FACEBOOK is the parent company that groups Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp, among others, under the wing of the firm. And this is precisely the name that Zuckerberg would seek to turn around.

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash With the new designation, Facebook (the social network), would remain as the exclusive remaining reference to the name of the powerful Silicon Valley company .

It is unknown, for now, what will be the new name of Facebook. The firm maintains it at the highest level of secrecy, although the aforementioned media assures that it could be related to Horizon, a virtual reality project in which the firm works.

In any case, this step seems like one of the most momentous of Zuckerberg's company. Not for the simple fact of being called in a different way, but because it reflects in a crystalline way its intention to separate its broader efforts (towards the creation of its metaverse and in other branches), from the very popular – and, recently, associated with numerous scandals – name with which he was born.

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