
Feiyu G6 review, the action cam gimbal with a thousand functions

Feiyu G6 review, the action cam gimbal with a thousand functions

Home Hi-Tech Audio / Video / TV / Streaming ,,,,, Cyber Layman holds Feiyu G6, the three-axis motorized stabilizer, designed to work with action cameras, in particular GoPro, but which works with almost all peripherals, as long as they are within standard dimensions. Here's how it went, and the video showing it in action.

How it's done

Aesthetics, design, shape and dimensions are very similar to other gimbals of the same kind, even if holding this Feiyu G6 in hand we felt a sensation of greater solidity and robustness. It appears to be more professional when picked up than other lower cost gimbals. The weight is higher than other gimbals of the same type, 336 grams without battery and camera. The materials are really excellent, and the handle is covered with matte black rubber, which increases the user's grip. It grips perfectly, better than others we have tested, and also the analog stick, and the various triggers present are used flawlessly. Too bad that the control panel, the one responsible for changing the recording mode, works only on GoPro and RX10 action cameras: in our case we used a Yi Action Cam 4K +, without being able to use the functions for shooting and recording from the keyboard.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

Fortunately, the Yi 4K + is equipped with voice commands, which is why you can start or stop the video with your voice, but in other cameras not equipped with this technology, you will need to physically press the start / stop recording button on the camera. In short, Feiyu G6 is compatible with almost all action cameras, but it can only be exploited to the maximum with GoPro.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

It must be said that among the novelties of this gimbal there is a standard 1 / 4-20 input on the side of the stick to connect a smartphone support, which combined with the Gimbal in Bluetooth allows you to use the screen of the device to set some parameters of the gimbal. There are so many options that you can vary, including the possibility of deciding the pan and tilt speed in the Auto Rotate option which will be discussed shortly, excellent for timelaps on the move.

Mode of registration

Also from this point of view Feiyu G6 is superior to other competitors, with different recording methods. The control panel, according to the various clicks, will set a different mode.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

Pan mode

Upon power-up, the gimbal is activated in Pan mode by default. With this setting, the camera remains locked in a horizontal position and perfectly perpendicular to the plane. The gimbal ignores all up and down movements (Tilt), while following any rotation of the handle to the left and right (Pan).

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

To perform a fast Pan, simply turn your wrist and follow the movement of the gimbal horizontally. Also in this case the speed of the horizontal Pan is manageable from the app settings, but in any case, by default it is already faster than others. By speed we mean that the gimbal follows the movement of the wrist more immediately. Obviously, it will not be possible to perform a very fast Pan, because the movements of the gimbal are always mediated by the motors, but in general this Feiyu G6 allows more precise and reactive horizontal movements than other competitors.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

In this default mode, however, it will still be possible to move the camera vertically, through the special analog stick, which will manage the Tilt. Also in this case, of course, the movements will be soft and slow.

Lock mode

With a single click on the button with the letter M, you will enter Lock mode (a single click will return to that Pan). This locks the camera in a precise point and the gimbal will ignore any movement of the handle in all directions. In this way it will be possible to frame a specific subject, avoiding sudden movements and stresses of any kind. There's more. Even in Pan mode it is possible, by holding down the rear button on the stick, to momentarily activate the Lock mode.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

It will then be possible to remain in Pan mode and activate Lock by pressing the rear key, returning to Pan when the rear key is released. This is a small trick that makes the gimbal even more versatile, offering numerous possibilities to the more experienced user.

Follow Mode

With a double click of the joystick, however, the gimbal will automatically switch to Follow. In this case, the action camera lens will follow all the movements of the handle, which are perceived by the gimbal as a variation of the shot. It will then be possible to quickly frame in the ground by moving the handle in a position parallel to the ground, just as it will be possible to obtain a perfectly vertical shot, simply by keeping the handle in the same position.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

Selfie mode

With a triple click of the Mode button, however, the 180 degree rotation function will be activated, which we could call Selfie: the action cam will point straight at the user's face, or in any case it will rotate 180 degrees with respect to its initial position. This is a choice that is made to immediately frame the user's face, therefore convenient for any Vlogs.

Auto Rotate Mode

This is a mode not often found in such a gimbal. Allows motors to Tilt and Pan automatically, at user-defined time intervals. In practice, the mode is activated with 4 clicks of the button. Then you decide an initial position (by moving the gimbal manually) and a final one, while from the app you choose the time in which to perform these rotations from the final point to the initial one.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

The Auto Rotate mode is suitable for making long time lapses, slightly varying the shot. The advice is to use this mode with a tripod, which can be housed via the 1 / 4-20 screw on the bottom of the stick.

Horizon adjustment

Particularly important is the slider placed at the back of the stick. It allows you to adjust the horizon, even if to tell the truth we didn't feel the need, because the gimbal has always automatically positioned the camera in a perfectly horizontal position. In any case, with this slider you can tilt the camera to give special effects to your movies.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni


The gimbal is advertised by the company as compatible with GoPro HERO6, HERO5, HERO4, HERO3 +, HERO3, YI 4K and AEE Sport Action Camera. In fact, any other camera with the height less than 44.7mm and weight less than 130g is supported.

Quality of shooting

When it comes to quality, of course, a lot depends on the quality of the camera used. Obviously, there are no terms of comparison between a video shot with a gimbal, and one without. Feiyu G6 undoubtedly improves any type of shooting, making them much more stable, and making the camera immune to the strongest stresses. As always, we leave below a video shot entirely with the gimbal in question, in order to immediately give an idea of ​​its functionality.

Autonomy and battery

The gimbal has a removable 5000 mAh battery, which is still recharged via USB cable. It is therefore not necessary to remove it to recharge it, and in addition it has the convenience of being easily replaced. The manufacturer declares an autonomy of 12 hours. Not only.

Recensione Feiyu G6, il gimbal per action cam con mille funzioni

The gimbal can recharge the housed demi-cam via the MicroUSB port on the upper arms. The MicroUSB-USB-C cable for charging is included in the sales bundle.


Feiyu G6 has full support for GoPro action cameras that can be combined to take advantage of the control panel, but it also works very well with Yi Actin Cam, or others with similar dimensions. It is impeccably built, absolutely of quality, and offers countless recording modes, and numerous settings. It is among the most professional gimbals in this sense. However, it costs more than many other competitors.

You can buy it on Amazon for about 259 euros, directly at this address in black.


  • Flawless construction
  • Excellent materials
  • Autonomy
  • Numerous recording mode
  • Auto rotate mode
  • Works with cameras of different brands

  • Price above average
  • Smartphone holder not included
  • ,,

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