
Fiido D1 review, the electric bike for everyone

Fiido D1 review, the electric bike for everyone

Home Reviews ,,,,, Summer, beautiful days, the desire to go outside and get some exercise. What better means of locomotion at practically zero cost, zero emissions and in compliance with the rules of the road, if not an electric bike? The Cyber Layman editorial team tries Fiido D1, with a very low cost: it lacks nothing, it costs little, and after having tried it we can no longer do without it. At this address the review of the Fiido D2 model.

  • 1 Assembly
  • 2 How it's made
  • 2.1 Technical Data Sheet
  • 3 Three modes travel
  • 3.1 Manual
  • 3.2 Pedal assisted
  • 3.3 Electric
  • 4 Autonomy
  • 5 Transportability
  • 6 Conclusions
  • Assembly

    The Fiido D1 electric bike arrives in a medium-large package, nothing that can't be safely stored inside a car trunk. Assembling the bike is absolutely simple, no additional tools are required, other than the kit of keys included in the sales package. The bike arrives folded on itself, an element that identifies it as a folding bike. In fact, whenever you wish, you can request it to transport it more easily.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    Assembly requires nothing more than straightening the frame, with a few simple steps, raising the seat post and the handlebar. You are practically ready to go. Note that after the long expedition of about 30 days, the bike arrived still charged. While shipping times are quite long, this element gave us a clue about the battery: it holds a good charge when turned off. To use a term that we usually associate with smartphones, the Fiido D1 has no draining phenomena, and the battery is able to remain charged for months, even if you don't use the bike.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    How it is made

    Fiido D1 is a small bike. Small, but absolutely sturdy. When open it has dimensions of 130 x 58 x 95 cm, while folded it offers measures of 75 x 35 x 65 cm. Unlike other small electric bikes, Fiido D1 allows you to adjust the seat and handlebar height. In other similar bikes these two elements are fixed, and rather low, making the bike suitable for an audience of smaller ones. Fiido D1, on the other hand, although it has a rather contained frame, is also suitable for adults. It is able to carry up to 120 kg of weight.

    It drives well and, although the tires have a reduced size, it also allows you to drive on roads that are not perfectly smooth: even a minimum of off road is allowed on this Fiido D1.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    It is available in two colors, black and white, and offers two different features regarding the battery: the 7800 mAh one, and the 10400 mAh one. Our tests refer to the first model. The difference between the two, of course, only concerns autonomy, which will be discussed shortly.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    As already mentioned, even if small in size, the frame is quite sturdy, and while driving there is a sense of security. There are no creaks of any kind. The 14-inch wheels are smaller than those mounted on a common mountain bike, which makes steering slightly more difficult. You will have to get used to it, but after a few rides you will be able to maneuver the bicycle with extreme ease, making it particularly manageable, excellent for extricating even in city traffic.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    The materials with which it is built are of excellent workmanship: disc brakes, both on the rear and on the front, a rather comfortable and very wide saddle. Overall, in short, Fiido D1 looks very good, a minimal bike, which almost seems to wink at the Xiaomi one. On the handlebar there is a small display that indicates the remaining charge, while on the opposite side a small horn, and an on / off lever that is used to turn the supplied LED front light on and off. Furthermore, on the handlebar there is a smartphone holder, which even offers a USB port for charging the terminal: this obviously will weigh on the battery of the bicycle.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    On the frame there are two holes to house a bottle cage, which however is not included in the sales package. In short, aesthetics is a subjective factor, but Fiido D1 really does everything to be appreciated by anyone: it is not a Full Size bike, but it has the same potential; on the contrary, the three driving modes make it a precious ally on every occasion. Here they are in detail.

    Technical Data Sheet

  • Built-in battery 7.8Ah Li-ion
  • Maximum declared speed 25 km / h in full electric mode
  • 14-inch wheels
  • Motor power 250W motor
  • Maximum transportable weight 120 Kg
  • Tire dimensions 14 x 2.125 inches
  • Dimensions bike 130 x 58 x 95cm
  • Folded bike size 75 x 35 x 65cm
  • Bike weight 18 kg
  • Battery power 280.8W
  • Charging time 5 hours
  • Declared distance with a charge 40km in full electric mode, 80km with pedal assistance
  • Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    Three travel modes

    A lever located on the left side of the handlebar allows you to change the three travel modes.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza


    Center lever means manual pedaling. In this case the Fiido D1 is a common bicycle. It should be noted that pedaling in this mode is a bit heavier than a common mountain bike, both for the smaller wheels and for the absence of a gearbox. In short, the relationship with which you travel is not among the easiest and thinking of traveling many kilometers in this mode is not the best.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    Pedal assisted

    The Fiido D1 is, however, an electric bike, and the manual mode is only supportive. And then, a simple click to the right of the control panel will give access to the pedal assist mode. In this case, pedaling is facilitated by the propulsive thrust of the battery. At each pedal stroke, the motor that pushes the bike starts, and allows the cyclist not to struggle. During our tests we found that in assisted pedal mode, a speed that varies between 15 and 18 km / h is maintained. This figure obviously changes according to the conditions of the road surface, the slope of the road, the weight of the driver and the state of charge of the battery.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    This assisted pedaling is certainly the pivotal mode of the bicycle: it is the one that allows you to travel the greatest possible distance, at a constant speed, without getting tired, but still requiring a minimum of movement for the legs. We will dedicate a special paragraph below to autonomy.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza


    In case you decide not to make the slightest effort, you can access the full electric mode by moving the lever to the left. In this case it will be sufficient to operate the accelerator on the right grip: even without pedaling the bike will start to move. The maximum speed that can be reached in this mode is 25 km / h, although it varies greatly depending on the road surface, gradient, driver's weight and battery level.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    The Full electric mode can also be assisted by a manual pedaling: throttle grip at maximum and a constant pedaling allows you to reach the maximum possible speed between the three modes. In this case, the autonomy will be greatly reduced.


    And let's get to the main aspect: autonomy. The manufacturer declares 40 km of autonomy in full electric mode and 80 km in pedal assist mode. This seems to us to be data that are guilty of optimism, but that probably, if you could find a downhill road 80 km long, you would be able to cover this distance in pedal assist mode. Same goes for the full electric mode: in full constant descent we would be able to do it. But these are not real hypotheses, because in everyday life you have to deal with mixed roads, where ups and downs alternate. And then, taking the sums during our tests we have to reduce the forecasts.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    Realistically, in assisted pedaling mode you will be able to make about 40/45 km, while in Full electric mode you could get close to 30 km. As mentioned, however, these are data that are influenced by numerous variations, and in different conditions, particularly different distances could be covered.

    In any case, it is a good autonomy, also in consideration of the particularly low price. The 10400 mAh model, however, undoubtedly increases the data on the distance that can be traveled on a single charge. Speaking of the latter, fully charging the battery takes about 6 or 7 hours.


    As anticipated, the Fiido D1 folds up and is easily transported. Performing the shrinking operations is not difficult, but thinking about closing it and opening it 3 or 4 times a day could start to tire the user. Instead, it is conceivable to request it once, perhaps when you have to transport it by car to reach the resort or vacation spot. In any case, it can also be folded to go to the office, to be stored under the desk.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza


    Nevermore without. Fiido D1 is a blast, as well as particularly useful. Whether they are simple walks, or you need to go to the nearest shop to buy bread, the electric bike is particularly reliable. Despite being small in size, it gives a pleasant driving sensation, robust and well designed, with an appreciable range. And what about the price? It costs only about 420 euros, the lowest possible for an electric bike of this type. It folds up for easy transport in the trunk of a car, so as to embellish your trips out of town with the possibility of out-of-town walks.

    Recensione bici elettrica Fiido D1, mai più senza

    Fiddo D1 is the electric bike that we really feel we can recommend to everyone: a means of which it is difficult to do without it, especially if your cities are equipped with cycle paths, or locations where you can walk in total serenity.

    It costs about 420 euros on GearBest in black or white color: you can buy it directly at this address. Click here to buy Fiido D2 instead


  • Aesthetically sound
  • Well designed
  • Solid materials
  • Three travel modes
  • Quality / Price
  • Foldable
  • Smarthphone holder with charge included
  • Against

  • Manual pedaling a little heavy
  • Really little else
  • ,,

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