
FitBit Alta HR, on test the small FitBit bracelet

FitBit Alta HR, on test the small FitBit bracelet

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FitBit Alta HR is not a new version of the FitBit Activity Tracker, because aesthetically practically nothing changes compared to the Alta model, but more technological growth, given that now the bracelet is also able to track beats, like its brother Charge 2.

Consequently, what we are going to present in these pages is not a real review, because of the Alta we already talked about it here, but an analysis of the beat reader implementation and the consequences that this upgrade brings.

Alta HR

Overlapping and side by side

Aesthetically FitBit Alta HR does not differ at all from the Alta model (which remains on sale), so much so that it is practically impossible to understand the true nature of the bracelet when worn: otherwise, when you remove it, the beat sensor appears clear on the inside with two green optical readers.

Obviously the presence a of the beat reader inevitably brings the comparison also with Charge 2 (which we talked about here), as well as with Alta: compared to the Charge the bracelet is smaller and lighter and substantially less bulky on the wrist, although the results, on average , are equivalent.

Alta HR

The writer uses the Charge 2 daily, and in the passage he felt two things: the first is the difference in size on the wrist, the second is the lack of the central button of the Charge that is not here (you do everything with the touch, even if the button is more convenient).

overlap with the Charge 2 remains however, even if it is a matter of taste: Alta HR seemed to us more suitable for use as a bracelet, given that the shape is thinner and the display more contained, while Charge 2, which is also can use as a bracelet, also works well in the left wrist as a real watch, although the functions here are limited, but the display is more generous and the shape fits lends better.

It makes no sense to talk about Male or Female, both are subject to personal taste and, with the variety of bracelets present and the possibility of changing them on the fly even for the situation, everyone goes good for both genders.

High HR, the heart of the speech

The presence of a heart rate sensor in the High HR improves the use during the night, in the activity during the day and in the instant detection.

During the night the activity of the body is detected by the movement, like what Alta does, but by crossing the data with the heartbeat, the software is able to track the trend in a more precise way.

Between the other, with the launch of Alta HR, FitBit has released a major software update in the App introducing Sleep Phases and Sleep Tips. The first refers to a more precise spectrum of the analysis, with advanced averages both towards oneself and towards the average of people of the same age.

Advice on sleep, on the other hand, are, as you can imagine, a series of suggestions on sleep and on how to improve it, advice that comes from the analysis of our data, and that we can approve or disapprove (with Mi like or dislike) so that the App understands what we are looking for.

From what we have seen the tool is very powerful and also beautifully rendered in the App, which to date it is perhaps the one that convinces the most of all, both as regards the completeness of the data and for the readability (if that were not enough, it can also be consulted via the web, and the sync can also be done from Mac).

The other phases in which the reading of the heartbeat is important is obviously during a physical activity, in which the display, contained but sufficient, can show the number in real time. beats and thus allow the athlete (professional, semi-professional or Sunday, as your neighborhood journalist is) the instant verification of the effort, thus evaluating the next steps.

Also important is the reading of the heartbeat at rest during the day, which offers a detailed x-ray of the progress of our body even when it is not under stress (typically the part major of the day): this reading offers a very careful summary of our health and the state of the body in normal conditions, also comparing it with the average of users of the same age.

Perfect? There is still something to do: for example, a poor customization of the display that offers different sets, but none customizable. For example, a display that does not show the time seems impossible (which is redundant when worn together with a smartwatch).

Furthermore, as in the Alta model, the tutorials and all the steps illustrated in the App for the bracelet only refer to the left arm, while some tangible reference is missing when worn in the other hand (although the App asks for it). Finally, as for the Alta, also in this case it is not possible to do water sports, given the impossibility of being submerged in water.

Front Alta HR product render in indigo leather. indigo leather.


With the acquisition of the heartbeat, Alta HR becomes today the most interesting of the FitBit bracelets: cheaper and less demanding than Charge 2 (which, however, has a larger display and lends itself better to larger wrists), more capable of Alta but as elegant as the others and with the possibility of changing the strap if necessary.

In a market dominated by very varied bracelets and with more or less important features, FitBit has built with Alta HR an elegant design and a very powerful “brain”, in a discreet rendering that fits both wrists.

We see a bright future for this model, limited only by the fact that it cannot be submerged in water (but you can wash your hands safely): almost a must for sportsmen, an icon for those who simply want to feel fit. days.

All FitBit products are distributed by Attiva. For those wishing to deepen the Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker topic with a look at all the current production we recommend “SmartWatch 2.0”, the electronic book available on the iBooks Store and Amazon Kindle Store for 4.99 euros.

Pro :

Same positive characteristics as the Alta

Monitoring of useful heart rate in different circumstances


Cannot be submerged

Display is poor customizable

Price : 149.99 Euro


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