
Goodbye to avatar videos on Facebook: alerts arrive to remove them

Goodbye to avatar videos on Facebook: alerts arrive to remove them

It was back in 2015 when on Facebook we started talking about video avatars for your profile, consisting of the possibility of setting a video instead of the personal profile image.

After all these years Facebook seems to want to turn the page . As evidenced by the tweet of Matt Navarra , found at the end of this article, Facebook has started inviting its users a replace your own video avatar with a classic static image. If this is not done within 7 days , the video will automatically be replaced with the personal cover image.

The option provided for the possibility of setting a video of maximum length equal to 7 seconds as the profile image. At present the reasons of the choice of Facebook are not known, and we assume that the notice is being distributed to all those who still have a video avatar on your profile.

Source: Matt Navarra (Twitter)
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