
Goodbye to disappearing tweets: Twitter will no longer automatically update the feed on the web

Goodbye to disappearing tweets: Twitter will no longer automatically update the feed on the web

Twitter is solving — finally — one of the most tedious problems on its platform. The social network revealed in September that the automatic update feature of the feed caused some publications to disappear suddenly . He also confirmed that they would present a solution in the coming months.

Tweets, specifically, were scrolled every time a user made a new publication . The user, therefore, had to open a preview if they wanted to read it carefully, something that hampered the experience.

Now, the web version of Twitter, which is where the problem was mostly, has been updated with a new feature to refresh the tweets on the home page. They will no longer be updated automatically , but it will be the internet user who chooses when to load the new feed publications . To do this, a new button has been activated on the top bar of the main page that will allow adding new tweets to the chronology. It is also possible to see the new publications by updating the page or by clicking on the start button.

In the case of iOS and Android, Twitter does not update the feed automatically , but it is the user who must upload the new tweets by means of a gesture in the upper area of ​​the screen.

Twitter improves the experience in the web version

Twitter has also implemented other improvements that benefit those who browse the social network through the desktop version. One of the most recent changes is the possibility to see the full format of an image from the feed. The function, present for months in iOS and Android and recently included in Twitter Web, prevents the user clicks on the preview each time they want to see the full image.

On the other hand, Twitter is also bringing back the link with preview to Instagram posts , a feature that was removed a few years ago and that offers key details of the publication on the social network of Facebook (now Meta). Among them, a preview of the image or profile, contact information and publication date. All this, while the social network continues to announce features for Twitter Blue and improve some functions of its applications for iOS and Android.

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