
Google Assistant turns 5! The developers look back at everything that has been done

Google Assistant turns 5!  The developers look back at everything that has been done

Happy birthday to Google Assistant! The voice assistant of BigG turns 5 today and in this time has been made of progress: just think that at launch the service was available in English or German (and only for Pixel smartphones), while today we find it practically everywhere, speaks nearly 30 languages ​​and has 10 different tones of voice.

For the occasion, Google asked the developers who worked on Assistant what was the most important “milestone” : for some it was the introduction of Duplex (unfortunately never seen in Italy) in 2018 and, in general, of artificial intelligence functions, while for others it is inclusiveness (for example in the choice of a male or female voice) and raising awareness of users on important issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement.

BigG also created a video celebrating Assistant's 5 years and recommends you try asking “Hey Google, happy birthday” or “Hey Google, how old are you?” for a thematic answer.

Source: Google
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