
Google Drive will allow you to finally block users who share spam with you

Google Drive will allow you to finally block users who share spam with you

Google Drive is a very useful tool that makes study and work easier. However, it is not free from people who take advantage of it to send unwanted files and hinder the user experience. For this reason, the storage service will add a useful option that will allow you to block those who share spam with you .

The news was confirmed by the Mountain View company, as part of a series of security and privacy improvements that will come to Workspace. The function to block users will arrive on Google Drive in “next months” and will impact on different aspects of the use of the service.

As explained by Google, the option will be accessible from the web version of Drive through the “Shared with me” section . By right-clicking on a received file, users can choose to block the sender. Before completing the action, a warning will be displayed about the application of the restriction.

How will the blocking of users impact on Google Drive?

The blocking of users in Google Drive has edges that are essential to keep the storage service free of unwanted material. Logically, the first impact of the restriction implies that the account in question will no longer be able to share new files with you .

On the other hand, all content sent by the blocked person will be automatically deleted from your account . In this way, it will be possible to get rid of spam in one step and without the need to delete files manually. Finally, the blocked user will no longer be able to access your content , even if you have previously shared it with him.

With this simple but effective tool, Google Drive aims to keep its service free from “malicious actors”.

Important updates for Google cloud services

Google Drive was one of the many platforms that had its moment of prominence in the inaugural keynote of the I / O 2021 conference. The Mountain View firm announced Smart Canvas, a set of functions that aims to evolve the use of documents shared . In short, these are 12 new tools that promise a better collaborative experience in documents, presentations and spreadsheets in the cloud.

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