
Google Fiber finally has its logo in the typical Google style (photo)

Google Fiber finally has its logo in the typical Google style (photo)

Google Fiber , the project of the Mountain View giant that aims to bring the internet broadband network with an infrastructure in fiber optician in different cities of the United States , finally has its own official logo . Its growth must have convinced the experts to devise a new logo that will replace the previous formed only by words .

The Google Brand Studio created the new logo, made up of four quarter circles of different colors . You can see it in the gallery at the end of the article.

The icon represents two key concepts, fundamental to Google Fiber's mission. The first is that of a catalyst. The dynamic shape on which the icon is built inspires a sensation of movement in its upward arcing movement. The second concept is the scalable impact, represented through its modular model. This new icon acts as the cornerstone on which the brand is built, signaling the ambition to galvanize and elevate communities: from a single family home or small business, to an entire city ”.

Google Brand Studio

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