
Google finally introduces automatic saving when filling out forms and quizzes (photo)

Google finally introduces automatic saving when filling out forms and quizzes (photo)

If you have ever had to abandon the compilation of a Google form halfway for reasons of force majeure or simply because the charge of your device was exhausted, you will already know the frustration of having to start all over again . Despite the great versatility and undoubted simplicity of the quizzes, surveys and forms that can be created with the special Google service, incredible to say, but so far the possibility of saving the progress made was absent.

Now finally BigG puts a patch on it and introduces the automatic saving in the simplest way: for each answer given or modification made the page saves everything by itself , without the need for any input from the user, exactly as it already happens with the drafts on Gmail, for example. The saving is signaled by a small cloud icon with a lot of explanatory writing (for those who have doubts), lasts 30 days and is available on all connected devices with the same account.

To be honest, the novelty had been introduced in beta mode since last spring, but now its extension has been announced to all users . However, the creators of modules will be able to disable it, through a dedicated item among the options . The release of the function will be gradual as always: from today for the Workspace Rapid Release domains, from September 15th for all the others.



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