
Google Search On: 9 new features that we will see in Lens, Chrome and Maps

Google Search On: 9 new features that we will see in Lens, Chrome and Maps

Google announced today during a livestreaming event called Search On, some of the innovations that thanks to Google's artificial intelligence products we will see in the coming months and that will certainly guide the development of the company in the coming years.

Ask questions about what you see

In the coming months, Google will bring into play the first revolution for everyone born from MUM (Multitask Unified Model), a tool presented during the last Google I / O. This novelty will be integrated directly into Google Lens and will allow users to search for something about what they are watching.

It is not a question of doing a search based on Google Images, but rather of asking questions about something that has been photographed through Google Lens. For example, ask to find other objects with the same design of a t-shirt that we have seen, or photograph the chain of a bike and ask “how do I fix it?”. Another example could be photographing a bird and then asking Lens “what is it eating?”

A research that understands

We know well that if we search for something on Google it can provide us with suggestions on similar topics sought by other people but now Google goes further, again thanks to MUM. Now Google will give you answers about “things you should know”.

For example, if you searched for “acrylic paint”, Google will analyze how users usually approach this topic and correlate searches with each other, for example providing up to 350 topics regarding acrylic paint.

For example, you can browse deeper to discover topics such as “making acrylic paint with the household tools available”, allowing you to connect with a part of the internet that otherwise would not you would have never found.

You can then narrow or enlarge the circle (Google speaks of zoom ), going to find out more about the puddle pouring or where to learn to paint, or expand it to include topics such as various painting methods or famous painters. This news will arrive on Google in the coming months.

More from the videos

Already now Google analyzes the videos to discover the highlights (such as the basket in a basketball game or the steps of a recipe), but now the company wants to go further, providing a new experience that identifies the topics of the video, with links that allow you to navigate deeper and learn more (essentially giving you other excuses besides Wikipedia or Google Maps to never go to sleep again).

Thanks to MUM, related topics will be shown, even not specifically mentioned in the video, thanks to the advanced understanding of the information in the video. For example, if you search for “the life story of a golden-fronted penguin” the system understands the subject and suggests contents such as those where it is explained how the golden-fronted penguin manages to find the members of its family. This feature will arrive in the coming weeks but will improve further in the following months.

Google Lens: iOS and desktop

Google Lens will soon also land on iOS (although initially only in the US), while in the following months it will also make its appearance on Chrome for desktop.

Find what you want in physical stores

A new function of the Google search (which arrives today in many countries, but not in Italy and only in English) will allow users to search for the availability in physical stores of a certain good. You can then search for specific or generic products and find out if the store near you has availability or not.

More authority in the news

When you search for something on Google, especially when it comes to news, you will find an indicator that will allow you to find out more about that source, not only from Wikipedia information (as it happens now), but also from the site itself. You can then also find out what people are saying about that site and find out more about the same topic. This feature will initially only be available in the US.

Address Creation

You will be able to add your address if absent in Google Maps. It will be very convenient in some countries where the cartography is not up to date, thus allowing services such as couriers and postal services to be found.

Fires in Google Maps

Starting from October, a new level will be available on Maps, for all platforms, which will allow you to discover in real time where the fires have developed.

Shields from the heat

A new tool will be available in 100 cities around the world (to start) to find out where to find shelter from heat waves in a natural way, that is protected by a shield of trees, in some park or in some forest.

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