
Google updates its roadmap: FLoC has a more precise timing

Google updates its roadmap: FLoC has a more precise timing

Google has recently changed its time plans regarding the features to be released in the next period. FLoC , the new replacement technology focused on privacy for advertising and other cookies for tracking, was listed for release by the end of 2023 . The Federated Learning of Cohorts tool for Chrome is currently in the first phase of testing , but the entire roadmap is mapped out.

The previous plans aimed to be fully implemented in Chrome by the end of 2022 , but now it seems that Google is aiming to achieve the transition to FLoC of all Chrome users by the third quarter of 2023 . By that date, the Mountain View company hopes to get rid of conventional c cookies , moving to tracking web traffic and user behavior by identifying groups of people anonymized with common interests .

Google says it's a way to protect individual privacy while preserving the advertising systems that allow the web to work, but it does skepticism regarding FLoC reigns supreme. FLoC will not conduct widespread testing until the third quarter of this year, although a small number of users are already on trial.

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