
Google will begin adding alternative payment methods in the Play Store

Google will begin adding alternative payment methods in the Play Store

Google has announced that it will soon allow third-party payment systems to be used in the Play Store, its app store, in South Korea. The decision comes after the government of the Asian country approved the so-called “Anti-Google Law”. This, in particular, forces companies to add other payment gateways so that developers can avoid that 30% (15% in some cases) commission.

According to the Mountain View firm, developers who launch applications in the Play Store for mobile devices in South Korea will be able to add an alternative payment system to Google . The company's billing gateway, yes, will continue to be present. Consumers will therefore be able to choose between the developer's payment method or the one already offered by Google.

Interestingly, the company recently confirmed the intention to reduce the commission for the use of its payment system. Currently, it stands at 30% of the total price of the application or subscription. Developers who earn less than a million dollars can apply a commission of 15%. Next year, on the other hand, the charge will be 15% for all app creators , even those who bill more than the minimum figure.

According to Google, third-party payment systems may not offer the same protections

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash Even so, and taking into account that an alternative payment method can make the developer obtain 100% of their income, it is very likely that many applications will bet on showing alternative gateways to those of the Play Store. Google, of course, ensures that alternative billing systems “ may not offer the same protections or payment options and features” that its payment system does include.

In fact, developers would not have to implement their own billing gateways. They could also make use of third-party platforms that offer more interesting solutions than Google's. An example is Paddle, a company that only asks for 10% of purchases under 10 dollars or 5% if the purchase exceeds the mentioned amount.

Apple also announced a reduction in commission to developers who make less than $ 1 million. He also confirmed the possibility that some apps would offer alternative payment methods in the coming months, he has not yet commented on the matter. However, it is likely that the Cupertino company will follow the same steps as Google.

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