
How to activate the 8 euro discount on iliad fiber and pay only 15.99 € / month

How to activate the 8 euro discount on iliad fiber and pay only 15.99 € / month

Iliad launched its fiber offer last week, with a proposal that “revolutionizes” the market on paper, to stick to the jargon of the company itself: € 23.99 per month, with the possibility, for iliad mobile customers, to obtain a discount of 8 euros . But how can you pay only € 15.99 / month for the iliad FTTH fiber offer?

The Iliad offer

Let's start by summarizing what is the iliad offer, both on mobile and in fiber, because they are both closely connected, as we will see shortly:

  • Giga 120 – € 9.99 / month: 120 GB per month in 5G, unlimited minutes and SMS
  • Giga 80 – 7, 99 € / month: 80 GB per month in LTE, unlimited minutes and SMS
  • Voice – 4.99 € / month: 40 MB per month , minutes and unlimited SMS
  • Fibra iliad

The conditions for activating the discount on iliad fiber

There are substantially two conditions to be respected, upon expiration of which the discount will also lapse, which can be reactivated later ) if the necessary conditions were to return. But let's see exactly what these conditions are, so you will understand better

  • The fixed line and the mobile line must be in the name of the same person (each iliad mobile number can be associated with only one fiber optic offer to get the 8 euro discount)
  • The mobile line must have automatic renewal

The first point is rather self-explanatory: the iliad SIM and the iliad fiber must be registered in the same person. And if you do not want to change your mobile operator for any reason, you could still subscribe to the voice, at a cost of € 4.99 per month, and use it only to get the discount on fiber. In fact, you will still pay less than most other competing fiber offerings.

How to activate automatic renewal on the iliad SIM

As for the second point, activating the automatic renewal is quite simple: you will be offered to do it directly when you subscribe to an iliad SIM, but even if you do not enable it immediately you can do it at any moment from the customer area. Almost any electronic payment system is fine: IBAN, credit or debit card, and even prepaid . In the images below you can see how simple the interface for this function is.

What does automatic renewal consist of? Simply every month, once a month of course, you will deduct the cost of your offer , through the selected payment method, so that you will never run out of credit.

How to activate the 8 € fiber + mobile discount

Once you are sure you have the automatic renewal on the iliad SIM, to get the coveted 8 euro discount on the fiber you will only have to associate your fixed user with the mobile one. To do this, simply visit your personal area of ​​iliad fiber and enter your mobile phone number on this page.

If the number is correct (i.e. if the two conditions above are met) you will be sent an OTP (a one-time numeric password) via SMS, to be entered in the next screen. At the end you will have a visual confirmation of the activation of the discount, as shown in the images below.

As already reiterated, if one of these two conditions should lapse, you will lose the 8 euro discount for the current month . In any case, you can reactivate from the following month , or when the conditions return to being, by re-associating your mobile user to that of the fiber as explained in the previous paragraph.

At the end you will receive an email from iliad confirming the activation of the fiber + mobile advantage:


thank you for activating the Fiber + Mobile advantage.
We remind you that the advantage will be activated at the first useful renewal of the fiber offer.

Attached you will find the general conditions of your fiber offer, also available in your Personal Area.
Remember that the reduction of the monthly cost of the fiber offer is conditional on ownership of an iliad mobile offer and the setting for both offers (fixed and mobile) of an automatic payment method (IBAN, credit card, debit card or prepaid card).

For more information call the User Service on 177, active from Monday to Sunday, including holidays, from 8.00 to 22.00.

Thank you, team iliad

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